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Namco Bandai Europe has a whole bunch of new domains under its belt. Last month, the company registered,,,,,,, and

Some of these domains are particularly noteworthy. The domain “” suggests Namco Bandai has interest in making a sequel to this month’s game, while “” hints at an overseas release of the upcoming Japanese 3DS title.


Another new reward has landed on the European Club Nintendo site. Starting today, members can pick up a Year of Luigi coin – while supplies last – for 1,500 points.

The gold-colored coin comes in its own green pouch, which measures in at 50mm x 60mm. Regarding the actual coin, it weighs 29g, is roughly 40mm in diameter, and 3mm thick.

You can place an order for the Year of Luigi coin here.

Japan Game Users Association’s GameKun asked a whole bunch of men and women to pick their favorite characters in Smash Bros. How’d the results pan out? Head past the break for breakdown.

Square Enix is forming a new “Final Fantasy Committee”. By doing so, the company hopes to maintain a high level of quality with the franchise.

Yoshinori Kitase, Hajime Tabata, Naoki Yoshida and Motomu Toriyama will lead the new group. Final Fantasy XV director and series character designer Tetsuya Nomura does not appear to be involved.

Source, Via

Two Zelda remakes have come out since 2011. Ocarina of Time 3D hit the 3DS in 2011, and Wind Waker HD just launched a few weeks ago.

Nintendo’s apparent interest in remaking Zelda games brings about the question: could we see more of them in the future?

Series producer Eiji Aonuma isn’t making any commitments. “Remakes are popular now,” he admitted in a 4Gamer interview, “but we don’t know whether or not we will keep doing them from this point forward.” Aonuma is interested in seeing “how well Wind Waker HD does” before making any decisions for the future.

He said:

pokemon x/y x and y

“We take compliance with all industry standards and regulations very seriously. It was extremely disappointing to see a number of competitors break street date over Thursday and Friday on Nintendo products across both online and store environments.”

“We are seeing street date breaches occur on a frequent basis and this undermines the work which goes in to creating exceptional launches. We’ve worked very closely with Nintendo in the run-up to launch in order to make them as successful as possible. We have worked with them on every decision taken.”

– GAME category director Charlotte Knight

This comes in response to multiple retailers allowing folks to purchase Pokémon X/Y early, which greatly upset Nintendo and may have caused fines to be issued in certain cases. GAME has been guilty of breaking street dates before, however– just not with such colossal franchises.


Dragon Quest producer Yosuke Saito, Final Fantasy producer Shinji Hashimoto, and Tales series producer Hideo Baba got together for a V Jump feature this month. At one point in the conversation, the three seemed to discuss some collaboration ideas.

Here’s the conversation in full, as translated by Siliconera:

Sonic will always be known for his platforming gameplay, but the series has dabbled in other areas. We’ve seen Sonic in racing, sports, and pinball titles, the Olympics, and even education experiences.

There are no limitations as to where SEGA can take Sonic. Well, except for the shooter genre.

SEGA global Sonic brand director David Corless said in a Nintendo of Europe interview that “there are different directions we can take Sonic” – just don’t expect anything like “Call of Sonic”.

Corless stated:

What, Call of Sonic? The Deadly Edition? (laughs) No, of course there are different directions we can take Sonic. The Sonic Racing series has been a huge success and I think those two titles have really shown what we can do with Sonic outside of platforming. You have to be careful though, you have to make sure you’re complementing the core Sonic experience and you’re staying true to the character. So no Call of Sonic, no…!


CVG has published an extensive interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. In the discussion, Aonuma commented on the impact of HD development for the series, fan feedback (including the “Zelda cycle”), online connectivity, and a bunch more.

You can find CVG’s full piece here. We’ve also posted the Q&A after the break.

IGN has put up a new feature on Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The article has more details about the upcoming 3DS game, plus a few more comments from Eiji Aonuma.

Head past the break for the latest on A Link Between Worlds.

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