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Pre-orders for Switch opened in Japan today. The turnout was pretty decent, with long lines forming at various locations. Places such as Yodobashi Camera were packed with people waiting to pre-order Nintendo’s system.

Here’s a look at some of the lines:

Source 2, Source 3

New concept art has emerged for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Today, Nintendo has decided to showcase some of the wildlife – specifically deer. See the art above.

Thanks to Stephan for the tip.


Another round of Japanese boxarts have come in for upcoming Switch games. Find the latest set in the gallery below.



Amazon has posted the boxart for Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X, which is coming to Japan in April. Get a look at the packaging image above plus some screenshots below.


Square Enix’s I Am Setsuna is one of the Switch’s launch titles in Japan. Have a look at the game’s beautiful box art – almost worth importing just for that!


Yo-Kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki has been updated to version 2.2 in Japan. The update includes the addition of two new Mystery S Rank Yo-kai, Shivarak and Nostradamus, along with the distribution of special quests that were previously only available at Universal Studios Japan. You will also receive either one or two 5-Star Coins when you update, depending on if you’re updating from version 2.0 or not.

Additionally, some images were released in the initial announcement. You can view them in the gallery below, and read the announcement post here.


Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a massive world to explore. At last year’s E3, Nintendo said that the Great Plateau represents an extremely small percentage of the game even though it was pretty spacious itself.

So just how big is the world in Breath of the Wild? Reddit user have put together an estimate and rough size comparison based on various calculations, the results of which are above. Wind Waker’s size is off, though the others should be somewhat close.


From Nintendo, we have several pieces of character art from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The images are in the gallery below.

Constructor boxart

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Images, Switch | 4 Comments

System 3 has published the boxart for Constructor, coming to Switch on April 28 (not launch). Take a look at it above.

Rather than using discs, Switch features cartridges as its way of reading physical games. The last system to use that type of storage was 3DS. A comparison of the cartridges between both can be found above.



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