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This week’s Switch/ Wii U/3DS-specific UK software sales are as follows:

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

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The previously announced Tempest Trials+ event “A Promise of Joy” is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. The big rewards this time are the 5-star Special Hero Ylgr: Breaking the Ice and three seals: Armored Blow 1, Spur Atk/Spd 1 and Atk/Res Bond 1. The bonus units for this Tempest Trials+ are Laegjarn: Burning Sun, Laevatein: Bonfire’s Blaze, Helbindi: Seaside Scourge, Gunnthrá: Beaming Smile, Ylgr: Breaking the Ice, Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel, Helbindi: Savage Scourge and Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall.

As always, the event lasts ten days, until July 4.

Download cards for Nintendo Switch games are essentially physical versions of digital games – they’re vouchers you can buy in stores containing download codes for games. They’re especially popular in Japan and they’re usually available several weeks before the game actually launches, and they often reveal new information about the game via the packaging. This is exactly what’s happened for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the download cards for which are now showing up in Japanese stores.

First of all, the download card confirms the game’s file size – it will require 11.9 GB of free space. An active Nintendo Switch Online subscription will also be required for some of the game’s online aspects. We don’t have any concrete details on that, but as far as we know from various previews, the game’s only online aspect is telling you what other players chose to do on a specific day in the in-game calendar. Although no new amiibo have been announced so far, past amiibo can be used in some form in the game. Finally, the download card confirms that downloadable content will be available for the game in the future in the form of new missions, paralogues and outfits.

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It’s time for another character introduction in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Alois gets the focus this time around, and you can learn more about him below.

Lethal League Blaze has been given a final release date in Japan. Oizumi Amuzio will be publishing the game digitally on July 12, with a physical version to follow on September 12. Pricing is set at 2,000 yen and 3,500 yen respectively.

Here’s an overview of Lethal League Blaze, along with a trailer:

To prepare for the July 25 launch, Bandai Namco has issued a commercial for Fishing Spirits Nintendo Switch Version. We’ve included it below.

Nintendo is back with another “Virus Vid” for Dr. Mario World. Have a look at the short clip promoting the new mobile game below.

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. With Fire Emblem falling a couple of posts, Dragon Quest XI S is again the only Nintendo title in the top five.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between June 6 and June 12.

Square Enix and Tokyo RPG Factory have sent out the latest batch of details and screenshots for Oninaki. Continue on below for the rundown on characters Lobelia and Leo along with the game’s two worlds, courtesy of Siliconera.

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