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A new video is in for the upcoming Switch title Another Sight. Get a look at the gameplay trailer below.

NBA 2K19’s primary release is scheduled for next week. But if you purchase the 20th Anniversary Edition, you can begin playing now.

Naturally, footage has already started to be posted online. You can get a look at quite a bit of gameplay in the videos below.

After it was featured in the latest Nindies Showcase, Zarvot had a new playable demo at PAX West 2018 last week. Check out some off-screen footage below.

Dengeki hosted a live stream entirely dedicated to the new Switch RPG Work x Work and showed off a bunch of footage. View the full recording below.

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta show off some of their experiences at PAX West 2018. Check out the full episode below.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated with its latest story content. Check out some footage of the latest maps below.

A demo of Mega Man 11 is now available on the Nintendo eShop and Capcom has released a new trailer highlighting what fans can expect from it — as well as footage of the new Robot Master, Bounce Man. Check out the video below.

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is now available in North America, so Nintendo and SNK have supplied two more trailers commemorating the launch of the 2 vs 2 fighting game. Check out the footage below.

Little Dragons Cafe

Aksys Games has published the fourth making of video for Little Dragons Cafe. In the video below, creator Yasuhiro Wada provides an in-depth look at his outlook on life and experiences.


Next Thursday, Nefarious will be available on Switch as a digital download. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

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