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This is the perfect sort of thing for the weekend! I don’t know how anyone would have the patience for it, but one fan has recreated the Super Mario Bros. title screen with 14,000 toothpicks. You can get a look at the results below.

Thanks to kurocchi0509 for the tip.


If you’re looking for a full translation of the new Fire Emblem (Fire Emblem If in Japan) trailer, YouTube user “shadowofchaos725” has you covered. Check out the video above for the new trailer with subtitles.

When it comes down to it, there are two versions of Rodea: The Sky Soldier. There’s the game for Wii, which was Yuji Naka’s original vision. Kadokawa Games also prepared releases for Wii U and 3DS. If you’re interested in learning about how Rodea differs on Wii U, 3DS, and Wii, check out our report here.

We’ve seen plenty of trailers and footage for the Wii U and 3DS versions of Rodea: The Sky Soldier. You can now check out the Wii title in action below.

Rodea: The Sky Soldier launches on September 22 in North America, and September 25 in Europe. First-print copies of the Wii U game will include the Wii title.

Splatoon still has roughly two months to go before launch, but the folks at Digital Foundry have already published an early technical analysis for the game. Digital Foundry particularly looks at Splatoon’s frame rate, which runs at a “near flawless” 60fps. There is only “the occasional dropped frame detracting from the fluidity – mostly unnoticeable in action, and something that could well be ironed out in the game’s final run of optimisation.”

You can check out a video testing Splatoon’s frame rate above. Digital Foundry’s full report is located here.


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