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Wayward Strand trailer

Ghost Pattern has shared a new launch trailer for Wayward Strand. After it was previously delayed, the heartfelt interactive story debuted on Switch this week.

We have more information about the game in the following overview:

Foretales gameplay

Following the arrival of Foretales on Switch recently, gameplay has come in on Switch. A half hour of footage highlights the story-driven card title.

If you’re interested in further information about Foretales, read the following overview:

Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key has just received a new gameplay overview following its announcement in last week’s Nintendo Direct. IGN Japan has shared about 22 minutes of footage consisting of discussion with the developers and a showcase of the game’s world and combat.

It’s worth noting that this showcase features the game’s PC version, so obviously it won’t be perfectly reflective of the game’s  performance on Switch. However it should still provide insight into how the game is structured exploration and combat-wise.

Family Man gameplay

Family Man made it to Switch this week, and gameplay has surfaced. 25 minutes of footage provides a look at the dark, story-led RPG.

More information about the game can be found in the following overview:

XIII remake gameplay

The remake of XIII appeared on Switch this week after a number of delays, and new gameplay offers up a look at the finished product. 24 minutes of footage is available showing a look at the updated shooter.

Everything you need to know about XIII can be found in the following overview:

Ankora: Lost Days trailer

Chibig has shared a launch trailer for Ankora: Lost Days, which is out now on Switch. This is a survival game set before the events of Deiland: Pocket Planet and Summer in Mara.

For more information about Ankora: Lost Days launch, read the following overview:

Little Orpheus trailer

Following a previous delay, Little Orpheus came to Switch this week, and we have a launch trailer. Fans can get one more look at the subterranean epic.

Learn more about Little Orpheus in the following overview:

The Switch version of NieR: Automata was on display at the 2022 Tokyo Game Show today. Along with a brand new trailer, extensive gameplay was shown during a live stream. Both are now up online.

Here’s some information about NieR: Automata:

Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy trailer

A new launch trailer has come in for Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy. The turn-based tactical RPG, coming from Akupara Games and Curious Fate, just released on Switch this week.

We’ve got more information about Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy below.

Bear and Breakfast gameplay

New gameplay has arrived for the Switch version of Bear and Breakfast. After previous delays, the title landed on the eShop this week.

Continue on below for more information about the game.

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