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Game Freak has issued the latest trailer for its RPG Little Town Hero focusing on the game’s battle system. Watch it below.

Killer Queen Black

LiquidBit and BumbleBear Games have prepared a new launch trailer for Killer Queen Black. We’ve attached the video below.

The Bradwell Conspiracy has received a new launch trailer featuring British TV presenter Jonathan Ross and programmer Haarvey Ross. Check it out below.

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

Big Way Games has issued a launch trailer for BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre, which is out now on the Switch eShop. Watch it below.

Into the Dead 2

With Into the Dead 2 approaching its October 25 release dead, Versus Evil has put together a new launch trailer. We have it below.

PQube and Corecell Technology are celebrating the release of Aeternoblade II with a new launch trailer. Get a look at the video below.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is out now on Nintendo Switch. Check out how the game runs in this video from Youtube channel Pixelacos Gameplays, who uploaded nearly an hour of footage in docked mode:


Little Town Hero, the RPG developed by Gamefreak, is out next week, on October 16. Today, Gamefreak uploaded a 20-minute video to their Youtube channel, showcasing some gameplay from the Japanese version of the game:

Doraemon Story of Seasons launches today on Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the occasion, Bandai Namco put together a launch trailer for the game:

Marvelous has published a duo of Japanese commercials for their upcoming release of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town.

Each clip is only 15 seconds long. Those interested can check them out below.


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