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3DS eShop

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Aenigma Os – €6.49 / £4.99 / CHF 8.99
Brick Breaker – €4.99 / £4.49 / CHF 7.00
Gear Gauntlet – €9.99 / £7.99 / CHF 9.99
Grand Prix Rock ‘N Racing – €4.95 / £4.45 / CHF 6.94 until September 22, 22:59 UTC; regularly €7.99 / £7.19 / CHF 11.20
MikroGame: Rotator – €1.99 / £1.89 / CHF 2.99
Shooty Space – €2.99 / £2.69 / CHF 4.20

Wii U Virtual Console

Metroid Prime: Hunters – €9.99 / £8.99 / CHF 14.00

Wii U Demo

Just Dance 2017

Update: Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of September 5:

September 5

– 19 Zelda: Wind Waker HD panels
– 4 Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D panels
– 3 Mega Man panels
– 1 The Cat Mario show panel (1 day left)
– 3 Zelda panels (1 with 2 days left)
– Zelda: A Link Between Worlds theme until 9/8
– 1 free play

A massive amount of footage from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice has come in, and you can watch it all below. Note that it actually begins at the 2:11:23 mark.

We shared some footage from Futuridium EP Deluxe on New 3DS yesterday, but a video has now surfaced with direct-feed gameplay. Watch it below.

In Japan, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 came out towards the end of last month. Mega Man’s Keiji Inafune, who acted as executive producer and action supervisor, shared a message for the game’s release.

We’ve translated it below as follows:

Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Even though Capcom brought Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice to the 3DS eShop yesterday, the development blogs haven’t finished. The latest one can be read here.

The new entry has input from Naoyuki Tsuchiya, a designer who specializes in logos and packaging. Programmer Momoko Hirata participated as well. The blog goes over logo creation as well as programming.

Following Futuridium EP Deluxe’ release on the 3DS eShop yesterday as a New 3DS title, some off-screen footage has come in. Check out some gameplay below.

GameSpot has shared a few more minutes of footage from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice. View the video below, showcasing the game’s first few minutes.

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