Unleash new evolutions in Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Soaring high in the skies on the back of a majestic Pokémon, discovering the mysterious origins of Mega Evolution and releasing the primal powers of Legendary Pokémon. These are only a few of the new franchise features that players can experience for the first time in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, both launching exclusively for the portable Nintendo 3DS video game system on Nov. 21. With new Mega Evolutions of favorite Pokémon characters, new areas to explore and new ways to travel, fans who fell in love with the original Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire games will feel like they are embarking on their adventure through the Hoenn region for the first time.
“Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire kick off the holiday shopping season with games that both old and new Pokémon fans will love,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “The games let players explore and experience the world of Pokémon like never before, with hours of portable entertainment perfect for long holiday trips.”
Lucario amiibo is exclusive to Toys “R” Us
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Lucario is the latest retailer-exclusive amiibo. If you’re interested in the figure and live in the U.S., you’ll only be able to purchase Lucario at Toys “R” Us.
There are at least two other retailer-exclusive amiibos as well. Shulk will only be available at GameStop, and Best Buy will be the only store selling Meta Knight.
Super Smash Bros. soundtrack and Mewtwo DLC from Club Nintendo overview
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments
North American Club Nintendo members can get an exclusive Super Smash Bros. and Mewtwo DLC for registering both the 3DS and Wii U versions of Super Smash Bros.
This is a limited time offer so make sure that you register both games by 1/13/2015 if you want the soundtrack and Mewtwo DLC or by 3/31/2015 if you only want the DLC.
The soundtracks will ship in March of 2015 and the codes for the Mewtwo DLC will be available Spring 2015.
More: Club Nintendo, DLC, Mewtwo, soundtrack, Super Smash Bros.
Yowamushi Pedal trailer + screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, Screenshots, Videos | 0 comments
More: Japan, Yowamushi Pedal
Disk Wars Avengers: Ultimate Heroes – Captain America vs. Red Skull gameplay video
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – Taiko Drum Master collaboration screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Toys “R” Us: Buy 1, get 1 40% off all Wii U, Wii, 3DS, and DS games Friday and Saturday (in-store)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 4 Comments
Toys “R” Us is holding a buy 1, get 1 40% off sale on all Wii U, Wii, 3DS, and DS games later this week. The deal will only be valid on Friday and Saturday. For this particular sale, you’ll need to head on over to your local store.
Sakurai explains why Ridley isn’t a fighter in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 101 Comments
Ridley is in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, but he isn’t playable. The well-known Metroid villain only appears in the Pyrosphere stage.
Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai was recently asked by IGN why Ridley isn’t playable in the new Smash Bros. Here’s his explanation:
“I definitely know that Ridley’s a much-anticipated name for fans, but if we made Ridley as a fighter, it wouldn’t be Ridley any longer. It’d have to be shrunk down, or its wings reduced in size, or be unable to fly around freely.”
“Providing accurate portrayals of characters is something I want to pay ample attention to. If I don’t stick to that thought, then we’d have to lower the quality or break the balance of the game. Something that goes way off spec could break the entire game.”
Sakurai continued by noting Ridley’s presence in the Pyrosphere stage, which he felt would be more appropriate.
“Instead of going through a lot of very convoluted hocus-pocus to make Ridley a fighter, I figured it’d be better to keep Ridley as it currently is, the correct way, and have it feel like a truly threatening presence. There are other icons, too, like Metal Face and the Yellow Devil, which help effectively portray each of their world settings. They go a long way toward deepening the game world, and I think it’s been fun to experiment with.”
Kirby Triple Deluxe “Play 3DS” commercial
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
More: commercial, Kirby Triple Deluxe
Sakurai on why Mewtwo isn’t paid DLC in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 17 Comments
Mewtwo is coming to Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS, but the character isn’t paid DLC. So long as players have both versions of the game, they can obtain Mewtwo at no extra cost.
Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai explained to IGN why the character doesn’t require an extra payment:
“As for why Mewtwo isn’t paid content from the start, releasing that character is an experiment meant to act as a foothold in content distribution; thus it’s simply meant as part of the service we’re providing to gamers.”
Sakurai also clarified the following before speaking on Mewtwo specifically:
“Creating a single fighter involves a huge investment, and we’ve already been giving it our all and investing a lot of work in the characters currently available in the game, and I think it’s an incredible package in terms of the sheer amount of content in the game. But it might be that people may not understand and may think that I am not offering enough just by looking at DLC itself.”