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This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

Individual formats

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As we get closer to the release date we will start to see more and more advertising for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Here is some promotional poster art as seen from some Japan retailers.


It’s time for the latest Famitsu‘s most wanted games chart. Super Mario Odyssey drops a spot, but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is in the top ten.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between August 31 and September 6.

Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:

* Save 20 percent on pre-orders with Amazon Prime or Best Buy’s GCU.

United States


LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Pokken Tournament DX – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
FIFA 18 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Superbeat: Xonic – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition – Amazon
Axiom Verge – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Just Dance 2018 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Nights of Azure 2 – Amazon, GameStop
Fire Emblem Warriors Special Edition – Best Buy, Amazon, GameStop
Fire Emblem Warriors – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Ben 10 – Amazon
Super Mario Odyssey – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Sonic Forces Bonus Edition – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
L.A. Noire – GameStop
Batman: The Telltale Series – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Lumo – Amazon
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Monster Jam Crush It – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Snipperclips Plus (new) – Amazon, GameStop
Farming Simulator: Nintendo Switch Edition – Amazon, GameStop
Rime – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim case bundle (new) – GameStop [exclusive]
Sine Mora EX – Amazon, Best Buy
Battle Chasers: Nightwar – Amazon
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition – Best Buy, GameStop
Resident Evil Revelations Collection – Amazon, GameStop
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Special Edition (new) – Best Buy, GameStop
Minecraft: Switch Edition – Amazon, Best Buy
Redout – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
WWE 2K18 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Doom (new) – Amazon, GameStop
The End is Nigh – Amazon, GameStop
Ittle Dew 2 – Amazon, GameStop
Blade Strangers – Amazon, GameStop
Tiny Barbarian DX – Amazon, GameStop
The Longest Five Minutes – Amazon, GameStop
Penny Punching Princess – Amazon, GameStop
Kirby Star Allies – Amazon, Best Buy
Yoshi – Amazon, Best Buy
Project Octopath Traveler (new) – Best Buy, GameStop
Wolfenstein II (new) – GameStop
Metroid Prime 4 – Amazon, Best Buy

Wii U

Just Dance 2018 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop


Pokemon Gold – Amazon
Pokemon Silver – Amazon
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters – Best Buy, GameStop
Layton’s Mystery Journey – Amazon, GameStop
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Culdcept Revolt – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Culdcept Revolt Limited Edition – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Fire Emblem Warriors – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth – Amazon, GameStop
Mario Party: The Top 100 (new) – Amazon, GameStop
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Steelbook Dual Pack – Amazon [exclusive]
Pokemon Ultra Sun – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Pokemon Ultra Moon – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology – Amazon, GameStop
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux – Amazon, GameStop
Kirby Battle Royale (new) – Amazon, GameStop
The Alliance Alive (new) – Amazon


New 2DS XL – White / Orange (new) – GameStop
Super Mario Odyssey Switch bundle (new) – GameStop
New 2DS XL Poke Ball Edition (new) – GameStop


Chrom (Fire Emblem) – Best Buy, GameStop
Tiki (Fire Emblem) – GameStop
Goomba (Super Mario) – Best Buy, GameStop
Koopa (Super Mario) – GameStop
Princess Peach (Super Mario Odyssey) – Best Buy, GameStop
Bowser (Super Mario Odyssey) – Best Buy, GameStop
Mario (Super Mario Odyssey) – Best Buy, GameStop
Super Mario Odyssey 3-pack – GameStop


Switch Pokken Tournament DX Pro Pad Wired Controller – Amazon
Super Mario Odyssey Joy-Con grip (new) – Amazon
Switch Wired Controller Plus – Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Amazon
Switch Wired Controller Plus – Super Mario – Amazon
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Switch Pro Controller (new) – GameStop
8Bitdo SN30 Pro Controller (new) – Amazon
8Bitdo SF30 Pro Controller (new) – Amazon


Playing with Power: Nintendo SNES Classics – Amazon
Super Mario Odyssey Collector’s Edition guide – Amazon
Super Mario Odyssey standard guide – Amazon
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon guide – Amazon
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Edition: The Official National Pokedex – Amazon



LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame
Pokken Tournament DX
Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase
Superbeat: Xonic
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Sine Mora EX
WWE 2K18
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fire Emblem Warriors
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition
Farming Simulator: Nintendo Switch Edition
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Deluxe Edition
Just Dance 2018
Nights of Azure 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Sonic Forces Bonus Edition
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers
Monster Jam Crush It
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Rocket League
The End is Nigh
Ittle Dew 2
Blade Strangers
Tiny Barbarian DX
The Longest Five Minutes
Penny Punching Princess
Kirby Star Allies
Metroid Prime 4

Wii U

Just Dance 2018


Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters
Culdcept Revolt
Culdcept Revolt Limited Edition
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Steelbook Dual Pack
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Moon
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux


Playing with Power: Nintendo SNES Classics
Super Mario Odyssey Collector’s Edition guide
Super Mario Odyssey standard guide
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon guide
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Edition: The Official National Pokedex



The LEGO Ninjago Videogame
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition
Sine Mora EX
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
WWE 2K18
Just Dance 2018
Fire Emblem Warriors Limited Edition
Fire Emblem Warriors
Super Mario Odyssey
Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure
Sonic Forces Bonus Edition
Farming Simulator: Nintendo Switch Edition
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers
Monster Jam Crush It
Nights of Azure 2
L.A. Noire (new)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Batman: The Telltale Series
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Sonic Forces
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition
Rocket League
Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase (new)
Vegas Party
Chicken Range
Kirby Star Allies
Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Wii U

Just Dance 2018


Culdcept Revolt
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions
Layton’s Mystery Journey
Pokemon Ultra Sun Fan Edition
Pokemon Ultra Moon Fan Edition
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Moon




Bowser (Super Mario Odyssey)
Koopa Troopa (Super Mario)
Goomba (Super Mario)


Playing with Power: Nintendo SNES Classics
Super Mario Odyssey Collector’s Edition guide
Super Mario Odyssey standard guide
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon guide
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Edition: The Official National Pokedex


We’ve started to see more 3DS games from Nintendo these days that are playable in 2D only. Kirby Battle Royale continues that trend. It wasn’t mentioned in the Nintendo Direct, but the boxart shows that stereoscopic 3D isn’t included.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions is another upcoming 3DS title in 2D only. That game launches on October 6. As for Kirby Battle Royale, it’s due out in November 3 in Europe and January 19 in North America.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Nintendo has opened the Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions teaser site. Access it here.

If you visit the Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions site, you can watch a trailer and view some screenshots. A rundown of features is also included. The full site for the game should open soon.

With roughly two weeks to go until release, Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters can now be pre-loaded on the North American 3DS eShop. 21,039 blocks of free space are required for the download. That’s just over 2.5GB.

Pre-loading lets you get ready for launch by purchasing in advance and downloading most game data. Then when Nintendo officially puts the game on the eShop, you’ll only need a small update to begin playing.

Source: 3DS eShop

Another Nintendo Direct is in the books. Setting aside Nintendo’s E3 presentation and game-specific broadcasts, it’s been quite awhile since the last one.

There ended up being a ton of news in this week’s Nintendo Direct. Four games in particular were highlighted: Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (now with a December 1 release date), Project Octopath Traveler (with an eShop demo), and Super Mario Odyssey. A few announcements were made as well, including the surprising Doom and Wolfenstein II Switch ports, the first Dragon Quest Builders for Switch, arcade games from Nintendo and Hamster, Kirby Battle Royale and Mario Party: The Top 100 for 3DS, Minecraft: New 3DS Edition, and Atlus localizing The Alliance Alive. Other news was also shared like the November 17 Skyrim release date and more.

So how’s everyone feeling about the Nintendo Direct? Although Nintendo didn’t have much in the way of brand new Switch games, many games were shown. Did the presentation meet your expectations, or were you disappointed in any way? Share your thoughts with us below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Digital vs. physical

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Atlus held a live stream on Twitch yesterday to showcase Etrian Odyssey V. You can watch the full recording below for new English.

Also related, Atlus published a preview of the art book included with the Etrian Odyssey V launch edition. You can see that below.

Another round of data is in from this month’s NPD report. Along with the best-sellers on Switch and 3DS specifically for the month of August, we also have a list of the games that have sold the best in the U.S. so far over the last twelve months. Continue on below for the full results.

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