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Animal Crossing: New Horizons

A bunch of footage has started to appear for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. We’ve rounded up several new gameplay videos below.

Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded

NIS America has announced Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded, a package containing Prinny 1: Can I Really Be The Hero?, Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!, and DLC. Fans can expect “updated graphics, intense gameplay, and familiar faces from the Disgaea series”.

Here’s an overview of Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded, along with a trailer:

Thanks to funds raised through Kickstarter, the dungeon crawler card game Dungeon Drafters will be made for Switch. The project just reached a $20,000 stretch goal, securing a port on Nintendo’s console.

Here’s some information about Dungeon Drafters as well as a trailer:

Brotherhood United, a run and gun game, arrives on the Switch eShop on March 13. Get a look at some footage below.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Langrisser I & II (available March 10)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX – $59.99 (available March 6)

The two-player cooperative game ibb & obb lands on Switch today. We have the official launch trailer below as well as some footage.


Once again, an age rating seemingly confirms that a game is coming to Nintendo Switch. This time, PEGI, the age rating agency for many European countries, has rated “Goosebumps: Dead of Night” for Nintendo Switch. The game has been given a rating of PEGI 12 because it features “moderate violence, realistic violence of a minor nature towards human characters and scenes of a horrific nature that younger players may find disturbing”.

The game has yet to be officially announced for any platform, so this age rating is literally all we have on it. The (incomplete) description on PEGI’s website reads “

We will keep you updated once the game is officially announced.

Source Via

With just 33 hours left to go, the Kickstarter campaign for The Wonderful 101: Remastered has hit another milestone: $2 million of funding. With that, another stretch goal has been unlocked – “Luka’s Second Mission”. This means that the 2D sidescrolling spin-off game that was unlocked at the $1.5 million mark will be expanded.

Next up are orchestral re-recordings of “The Won-Stoppable Wonderful 100” and “Tables Turn”, which will be unlocked should the campaign reach $2.25 million.


Devolver Digital have announced a new game coming to Nintendo Switch. Action puzzle game Disc Room has players trying to survive a labyrinth filled with deadly discs. The game is set to be released sometime this year. Check out the game’s trailer below:


Check out the latest goings-on in Fire Emblem Heroes below:

  • Sharena added more intros to Meet Some of the Heroes! This time, Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles, Lysithea: Child Prodigy, Bernadetta: Eternal Loner, Annette: Overachiever, and Flame Emperor: Bringer of War were added.
  • Forging Bonds: Harmony amid Chaos begins Mar. 5, 11 PM PT. Forge bonds with Heroes from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game to unlock special conversations! You’ll also be able to earn Divine Codes (Ephemera 3), which can be exchanged for Limited-Time Combat Manuals!
  • Mjölnir’s Strike: Rest period is now active. Battles have come to a close…for now! How did the Kingdom of Askr fare? Don’t forget to collect your rewards if you played! Use the downtime to improve Midgard’s Shield and strengthen the Heroes on your defensive team.
  • Coliseum Quests are here! Complete these quests to earn Orbs, Hero Feathers, and other rewards!
  • You can now use Divine Codes to compile Combat Manuals! See the in-game notification for details, including a list of Limited-Time Combat Manuals that you can compile using Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) earned in Ver. 4.3.0 events.
  • Forma Souls can be used to add Forma units from the Hall of Forms to your army. Forma Souls are included in Forma Soul Packs, which are coming to the Shop soon. Each Forma Soul Pack contains 60 Orbs and 1 Forma Soul.
  • Lysithea, Ferdinand, Bernadetta, and Annette from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game appear as New Heroes Mar. 5, 11 PM PT! Discover what sets them apart with some tips from the Nintendo Treehouse. (Subtitles available via YouTube settings.)


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