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Dynamic Voltage Games has announced Pirates of First Star, an adventure game that uses a combination of photographed claymation and real time 3D to achieve a unique art style in a 90’s game design style.

We have the following overview and trailer:

During a Flyhigh Works presentation today, the latest information and footage was shown for Cytus Alpha.

The rhythm game is confirmed to be receiving a collaboration with the DJMax series to include 10 songs from DJMax Respect. The “Chapter DJMax” will feature songs such as “Don’t Die,” “Blythe,” “SIN -The Last Scene-,” “End of the Moonlight,” and “Don’t Die.”

We’ve included a new trailer for Cytus Alpha below, along with the full Flyhigh Works presentation.


You may recall that Galak-Z: Variant S came to the Switch eShop last year. Next month, Nintendo’s console will be getting another entry in the series. A listing on the eShop shows that Galak-Z: The Void: Deluxe Edition is due out on March 26.

Here’s an overview, along with a trailer:

Publisher CFK and Korean developer toOrock have announced a new action RPG for Nintendo Switch: Machi Knights: Blood Bagos. The game places a heavy emphasis on co-op play and the various abilities of the characters you can choose in the game. Machi Knights: Blood Bagos will launch on the Japanese eShop on March 14th for 1,620 Yen. This version of the game will also have an English-language option. Check out the game’s debut trailer below to get a look at some gameplay:


Bandai Namco has released a lengthy gameplay video for Super Robot Wars T, showing off 32 minutes from the game’s first chapter:

Super Robot Wars T will be released in Japan on March 20th. A Western release has not yet been announced, however the Southeast Asia version of the game will feature an English-language option.


Lost Reavers, Bandai Namco’s free-to-play online co-op game for Wii U, will end its service later this year, on May 30th. Starting on March 28th, new items can no longer be purchased, but previously purchased items can still be used. On May 30th, all servers for the game will go offline.

Bandai Namco didn’t state a reason for the game shutting down, but most likely it just wasn’t profitable anymore to keep the servers running.


Season 8 of Fortnite has started, and with it, the game has been updated to version 8.00. A new battle pass is also available – check out the preview video for that, and the full patch notes below:

Pirate Cannon
Damage enemy locations or structures by launching a cannonball or become a special delivery by launching yourself!

New Locations
Explore new points of interest that emerged with the Volcano, such as Sunny Steps and Lazy Lagoon.

Weapons + Items

  • Pirate Cannon
    • Push the Cannon into position, take aim, and fire! Alternatively, climb into the barrel and launch yourself!
    • The cannon will fire cannonballs or players a great distance. Cannonballs and players can plow through a number of objects before stopping with a bang, causing damage and knockback to nearby players.
    • Deals 100 Damage to enemies on a direct hit and 50 Damage to enemies within a small radius.
    • Found throughout the environment.
  • Vaulted
    • Sneaky Snowman
    • Chiller Grenade
    • X-4 Stormwing
    • Shopping Cart
    • All Terrain Kart
  • Updated Hunting Rifle Icon
  • Reduced the availability of high tier Assault Rifles
    • Total number of Assault Rifles available remains unchanged
      • Increased chance of receiving a Common quality assault rifle from 48.56% to 56.30%
      • Increased chance of receiving an Uncommon quality assault rifle from 26.83% to 28.15%
      • Reduced the chance of receiving a Rare quality assault rifle from 16.17% to 10.91%
      • Reduced the chance of receiving an Epic quality assault rifle from 7.02% to 3.52%
    • Reduced the chance of receiving a Legendary quality assault rifle from 1.82% to 1.13%

Fire Emblem Heroes

The latest Voting Gauntlet in Fire Emblem Heroes, War of the Tacticians, is now live. The first-round match-ups are Katarina vs. Lewyn, Morgan vs. Saias, Cecilia vs. Jagen and Innes vs. Soren. As always, each of the three rounds of the Voting Gauntlet will last 48 hours.

Also, since it’s Thursday, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “Sacred Stones Strike!” can be found in the Grandmaster section.

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 4, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


A new Summon Showcase is now live in Dragalia Lost — titled “Thunder and Splendor”.

The set will be available until March 12th . The featured summons include:

  • [5 ★] Albert (Attack, Sword) [Character]
  • [5 ★] Gilgamesh [Dragon]
  • [5 ★] The Shining Overlord [Wyrmprint]
  • [5 ★] A Solitary Light [Wyrmprint]
  • [4 ★] Odetta (Sword) [Character]
  • [4 ★] New World Escort [Wyrmprint]
  • [3 ★] Jakob (Lance) [Character]
  • [3 ★] The Davian Wetlands [Wyrmprint]


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