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Horizon Chase Turbo is a few days out from releasing digitally on Switch. Check out some footage in the video below.

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta continue Smash Bros. Ultimate coverage with guests VikkiKitty and Syd. Check out the full episode below.

Digital Foundry has published its latest technical analysis for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee. We also get a look at some comparisons as well.

Both games have a look of specular property to every material used across the world. However, Digital Foundry says that there’s they may give an impression of a synthetic plastic quality that may not be as appealing for some who played the original games on Game Boy way back in the day. The publication also notes that shadows disappoint.

Omensight was originally targeted for release this month, but will be slipping into December. Spearhead Games has announced that the title has been approved by Nintendo and is dated for December 13.

Here’s an overview and trailer for the “action murder-mystery game”:

Toki footage

Posted on 6 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Microids will very soon be releasing the remake of Toki on Switch. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

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Footage has emerged for the new Switch eShop title Peace, Death! Complete Edition. Take a look at the gameplay in the video below.

Ratalkia Games issued a launch trailer for I Am the Hero, pixel art, beat ’em up, fighting game arriving on Switch next Friday. Watch it below.

Accompanying the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Creating a Champion in the west this week was a special “Hero’s Edition.” Get a closer look at the book in the video below.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is poised for a huge debut when it arrives on Switch next month. Thanks to Nintendo, we now know that it’s the best pre-selling game in the series. Additionally, it’s the best pre-selling Switch title – beating out Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches December 7. Expect news regarding the game’s sales to trickle in shortly after release.


Limited Run Games has opened pre-orders for Cosmic Star Heroine. You can reserve your copy here.

Note that pre-orders close on December 7. There is no collector’s edition this time around, so fans can only reserve a standard copy.

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