Switch eShop charts (2/2/18)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:
1. Celeste
2. Vs. Super Mario Bros.
3. Overcooked: Special Edition
4. Stardew Valley
5. Darkest Dungeon
6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
7. Rocket League
8. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
9. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
10. Super Mario Odyssey
11. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
12. NBA Playgrounds: Enhanced Edition
13. The Escapists 2
14. Earth Wars
15. Doom
16. Sonic Mania
17. ARMS
18. 1-2 Switch
19. Splatoon 2
20. Enter the Gungeon
Source: Switch eShop
More: charts
Splatoon 2 – .96 Gal Deco footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Splatoon 2 updated once again tonight, adding in the .96 Gal Deco weapon. Take a look at some footage of it in action below.
More: Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 – European Splatfest #7 announced
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 16 Comments
The next Splatfest in Splatoon 2 has been announced for Europe, and it’s certainly an interesting one.
Nintendo is posing a food-related question this time around. The company wants to know, do you find gherkins in burgers to be disgusting or delicious?
Players will be able to battle for the side they choose starting on February 10 at 3 PM, lasting for a full day. We should have the results soon after the event ends.
More: Splatoon 2
Screenshots of this week’s Nintendo Downloads (2/1/18, North America)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch eShop, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
A few new games out came out this week on the various eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.
More: Nintendo Download
Latest status update for the Switch version of Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 8 Comments
Airship Syndicate provided a new status update on the Switch version of Battle Chasers: Nightwar today.
Lately, the team has been taking care of some “tricky bugs”. These have now been addressed and the game has returned to QA.
Nintendo Minute – “Nintendo Switch Swap Challenge”
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta challenge each other to pick out a Switch game they believe the other person would like, reveal their choices, do a little play through, and give each other a rating on how well we think they did. You can watch the latest Nintendo Minute in full below.
More: Nintendo Minute
Axiom Verge’s digital sales on Switch close to PS4 launch, likely surpasses them with physical sales counted
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 16 Comments
Like many indie games on the platform, Axiom Verge looks to have done very well on Switch. Creator Thomas Happ shared some data about the performac on Twitter today.
According to Happ, digital sales for Axiom Verge on Switch “are near what the PS4 launch sales were, and when you add in physical, they likely surpass them.” Happ will also be able to use strong funds generated from the physical version for his son’s healthcare. If you recall, publisher BadLand said it would donate 75% of its share.
Nintendo Switch digital sales are near what the PS4 launch sales were, and when you add in physical, they likely surpass them.
— Tom Happ (@AxiomVerge) February 2, 2018
So thanks everyone for buying, and especially @dan_adelman and @BadLandGames for making the physical version a reality.
— Tom Happ (@AxiomVerge) February 2, 2018
More: Axiom Verge, Badland Games, Thomas Happ
Nintendo Treehouse talks Fire Emblem Heroes
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 3 Comments
With Fire Emblem Heroes’ first anniversary in sight, Nintendo Treehouse is taking a look back at the game. The team dives into how it referenced past titles and materials to ensure that things were consistent in the mobile release.
Here’s an excerpt:
You can read the full Nintendo Treehouse Log post here.
Floor Kids update to add Infinity Mode, video capture
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
The team behind Floor Kids isn’t done updating the game. In a new tweet published today, some new content was teased.
The first thing we can look forward to is Infinity Mode, which appears to be a practice mode of sorts. Video capture will also be supported so that players can record 30-second clips.
Here’s a look at Infinity Mode:
Practicing some mad combos in our new Infinity Mode #videoCapture #preview #FloorKids #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/Aja6aY51Lh
— Hololabs (@hololabs) February 2, 2018
More: Floor Kids, MERJ Media, title update
Nintendo Labo’s motorbike game appears to let you create your own track
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 7 Comments
We’re still trying to learn about the finer points of Nintendo Labo’s various games. But thanks to a snapshot taken by Engadget at a hands-on media event yesterday, we appear to have some additional information about what the motorbike component offers.
The text above indicates that players will be able to create their own track. It states, “Make your own tracks” and “Create and race three grand-prix courses”.
That certainly sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? Though that’s the only information we have at present, it has piqued our interest.