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Exordium Games has announced Last Encounter, a new roguelike twin-stick shooter. The game is planned for release in Q2 2018.

Last Encounter will be playable for the first time in North America at PAX South 2018. For more on the game, check out the overview and trailer below.

Bitmap Bureau, the developer of 88 Heroes, recently launched a Kickstarter for Xeno Crisis. It was imagined as a new arena shooter for the SEGA Genesis with plans for release both as a physical cartridge and a downloadable ROM.

Having smashed its funding target of about $30,000, Bitmap Bureau added in a Switch stretch goal at the last minute. That has been achieved as well, so we’ll be seeing Xeno Crisis at some point in the future.

You can watch a trailer for Xeno Crisis below. More information about the project can be found on Kickstarter here.


Kyoto Shimbun published a new interview with Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishina. Kimishima talked 3DS, movies, confirmed that the sleep-tracking device is still in the works, and more. 

First, when asked about Switch’s success, Kimishima said it has surpassed Nintendo’s expectations. The method of play in which the system can be carried outside despite being a home console has been accepted by people. Once again, Nintendo wants to raise its sales forecast to over 20 million units this year, exceeding the FY2017 expectation of 14 million units. If the goals for FY2017 are reached, then Kimishima thinks Nintendo can change the business flow (from the slumping Wii U), so Nintendo wants to improve this momentum.

A new report from Famitsu reveals the best-selling games from 2017. Based on data collected from December 26, 2016 and December 31, 2017, the results are as follows:

1. [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon – 2,003,607
2. [NSW] Splatoon 2 – 1,752,096
3. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI – 1,744,603
4. [3DS] Monster Hunter XX – 1,684,991
5. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete – 1,336,180
6. [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey – 1,324,280
7. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 1,103,744
8. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 688,044
9. [3DS] Pokemon Sun/Moon – 576,506
10. [3DS] Super Mario Maker – 423,073

Update (1/9): Media Create data is finally in, so we’ve swapped that out for Famitsu’s numbers below.

Original (1/6): The latest Japanese hardware sales from Famitsu are as follows:

Switch – 134,519
PS4 – 37,175
New 2DS LL – 20,409
New 3DS LL – 12,542
PS4 Pro – 12,456
Vita – 7,970
2DS – 3,700
Xbox One – 335
New 3DS – 163
PS3 – 58
Wii U – 44
Xbox One X – 23

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Switch – 269,684
PS4 – 50,662
New 2DS LL – 45,387
New 3DS LL – 27,947
PS4 Pro – 16,595
Vita – 14,041
2DS – 6,992
Xbox One – 687
New 3DS – 311
Wii U – 98
PS3 – 40
Xbox One X – 32

And here are the software charts:

Last week, Saber Interactive released NBA Playgrounds: Enhanced Edition on Switch. Owners of the original game were finally treated to all of the updates and content made available on other platforms over the past several months. It was more or less Saber’s way of getting around some issues the company was having with updates on Switch.

In a statement to Polygon, Saber said the following about NBA Playgrounds: Enhanced Edition:

ChromaGun is releasing on Switch this month, and a new trailer has gone live to celebrate. Check out the video below.

10tons is keeping up with its Switch releases this week with Azkend 2. Have a look at some footage below.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Bit Dungeon+ (3DS) – 6/6/5/7
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (NSW) – 9/8/9/10
Machine Knight (3DS) – 7/7/8/7
Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition (NSW) – 6/6/5/6
Tiny Metal (NSW/PS4) – 8/8/8/7
Ephemeral: Fantasy on Dark (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
Gintama Rumble (PS4/PSV) – 8/9/8/8
Happy Manager (PS4) – 8/7/7/7
Slice, Dice and Rice (PS4) – 7/8/7/7
Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure (PS4) – 7/8/8/7

Four more playable characters have been revealed for Attack on Titan 2, and this time, the experienced members of the army are stepping up: fan favorite Dot Pixis as well as Keith Shadis, Kitz Weilman and Darius Zackly will all be playable. This info comes from a preview image of an article of this week’s Famitsu magazine. We will have more detailed info once we get our hands on the full issue tomorrow.

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