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The second Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon global mission just started on Monday. Two days later, it has already been a success. Players were tasked with collectively earning 1,000,000 Beach Points (BP) in Mantine Surf events by December 25, and that goal has been reached.

Everyone who participates will receive 2,000 Festival Coins as a reward. Those who have registered their game at the Pokemon Global Link by the end of the global mission will earn 4,000 FC.

Source: Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon

The rogue-lite action-adventure Hammerwatch launches on Switch tomorrow. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Tequila Works brought The Sexy Brutale to Switch last week. Although the game itself is generally considered to be quite good, unfortunately, the Switch port has not gone over well. We’ve been starting to hear that it’s plagued by technical issues.

Tequila Works is at least on the case. In a tweet sent out on the official Twitter account today, the studio promised that a patch is in the works to improve performance and resolution, and to address other problems.


As part of its month-long Mega Man 11 coverage, Game Informer spoke with art director Yuji Ishihara to talk about his history within the company and the task of updating the classic character’s design. Check out the full video below.

Apptopia has offered up new data about the performance of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Between iOS and Android, the mobile title is said to have been downloaded over 25 million times and has achieved $17 million.

Apptopia cautions that the new Animal Crossing title will not match the successes of Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes. It believes the lack of a multiplayer mode is key, as that tends to drive revenue for other mobile releases.

Nintendo has a new video up to promote the accolades Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has received over the past couple of weeks. Get a look at the video below.

Nintendo prepared a short trailer for the new Mirror Copy Ability added to Kirby Battle Royale with the version 2.0 update. Check it out below.

Inversus Deluxe is doing very well on Switch. Hypersect told its fans on Twitter that the Switch version has already sold more copies than the Steam version. Thing is, the Switch edition has been around for ten weeks, while the Steam release popped up over a year ago.

Here’s the tweet in question:

Hypersect also indicated that the Switch version of Inversus Deluxe is quickly catching up to the PlayStation 4 version, which is also more than a year old:


Rocket League

Rocket League is receiving a notable update on Switch and other platforms today. Psyonix and Panic Button will have it at version 1.40.

Today’s patch brings along some changes and bug fixes. Resolution has been improved when playing in portable mode, the default Controller Deadzone has been reduced, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Chucklefish is sharing new information about its turn-based strategy title Wargroove. The studio has started to show how some of the units look across all four of the game’s different factions.

The Soldier unit was introduced last week. This time around, we have an update on Archers.

Here’s the full rundown from Chucklefish:

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