Pokemon Masters EX – Blasting Off Again story event announced
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new story event has been announced for Pokemon Masters EX. Blasting Off Again will replace the event Double Trouble, and add a new Sync Pair featuring James and Wheezing.
More: DeMA, Pokemon Masters EX
Fire Emblem Heroes Summoning Focus: Heroes With Rally+ Skills now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new summoning focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes, Heroes With Rally+ Skills. This event features the Heroes Midori: Reliable Chemist, Eliwood: Marquess Pherae, and Leila: Rose and Fang. In addition, Rally+ skills grant up to +6 to certain stats for a target ally for one turn. This Summoning Focus will be active until September 24.
Pokemon Masters EX – The Legendary Arena Azelf event now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Players of Pokemon Masters EX can now face off against Legendary Pokemon of the lake, Azelf. Players can earn medals and rewards for taking on and completing the fight with various tiers available for extra challenge. Players can take on the task for two weeks, with the event ending September 30th 2020.
Additionally, a new Spotlight Scout focused on Guzma & Golisopod and Burgh & Leavanny is also available. If you are hoping to catch a bug-type sync pair, this may be the time for you. Will you be participating in the new events or chasing after a sync pair from the Spotlight Scout?
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Fire Emblem Heroes – Frontline Phalanx event now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is currently hosting the Frontline Phalanx event, featuring a great deal of new content:
Pokemon Masters EX – Sabrina & Caitlin Spotlight Scout now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Another new Spotlight Scout is now live in Pokémon Masters EX. This Spotlight Scout focuses on the Sync Pairs of Sabrina & Alakazam and Caitlin & Reuniclus. This will last until September 30th at 05:59 UTC. You can chase after these Psychic-themed duos for the rest of the month — will you be trying to add them to your Sync Pairs?
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Pokemon Masters EX – Azelf Legendary Arena event announced, Gladion and Silvally Sync Pair Scout now live.
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters EX has recently announced that a Legendary Arena event featuring Azelf is coming soon. The event is slated to start on September 16.
Additionally, as part of the Family Ties event, a new Sync Pair scout featuring duo Gladion and Silvally is available now until October 1. This Scout will award a Tech Move Candy for the first 11-Scout bundle.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Fire Emblem Heroes – Limited Hero Battles and Mjölnir’s Strike now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Dragalia Lost – Flame Focus summon & Platinum showcases begin soon
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Flame-attuned adventurers and dragons will be all the rage come Sept. 14, 11 PM PT. A Platinum showcase will be live, and a flame-attuned 5★ adventurer is guaranteed to appear as the tenth summon in your tenfold summon for this banner. The Flame Focus summon showcase will only have flame-attuned adventurers and dragons, but no guarantee for a 5★ unit. Remember that Platinum showcases are paid currency only, so spend wisely.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Fire Emblem Heroes Summoning Focus: New Power now live
Posted on 4 years ago by Ervin in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new Summoning Focus has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes, New Power. This summoning event features Heroes who have gained new skills: Celica: Warrior Priestess, Hector: Brave Warrior, Ephraim: Sacred Twin Lord, and Veronica: Brave Princess. As usual, the first summon of this event will cost no Orbs. This event lasts until September 16.
Additionally, there are some new weapons to refine: Royal Sword, Maltet, Garm, and Hliðskjálf.
Dragalia Lost – The Sands of Revelation event live now and Gala Dragalia Remix coming soon
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Dragalia Lost has dropped its newest event, The Sands of Revelation, which features the new adventurer Incognito Nefaria at its forefront. This limited-time event will have players defending their gates from waves of attacking enemies with special rewards for succeeding. The Sands of Revelation will run until 10:59pm PT, September 20, 2020.
Also coming soon to Dragalia Lost is a Gala Dragalia Remix. This event is the same as a regular Gala Dragalia, only featured 5★ characters will have an initial appearance rate of 6%, instead of 4% when summoning. The adventurers included in this event are Incognito Nefaria, Elisanne, and Horus. The Gala Dragalia Remix will go live at 11:00pm PT, September 11, 2020 and will last until 10:59pm PT, September 14, 2020.
A video has accompanied this announcement for the Gala Dragalia Remix and it can be viewed below.