Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 9, Resplendent Hero Hector: General of Ostia available for Feh Pass subscribers
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 9 is up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes.
In other news, Resplendent Hero Hector: General of Ostia is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. Feh Pass Quests have also been updated and can be accessed until May 24. Sanaki: Begnion’s Apostle will be distributed as the next Resplendent Hero on May 25.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Grand Hero Battle – Ashnard: Mad King
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Ashnard: Mad King is waiting in Special Maps as a new Grand Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes. By defeating him, he’ll become an ally.
Grand Hero Battle – Ashnard: Mad King will be live until May 16.
Fire Emblem Heroes – New dark heroes arrive, Forging Bonds event and story chapter added
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem has added new heroes in a summoning event, including the dark versions of Ike, Julia, Lyon, and Corrin. With these heroes comes an added chapter in Book IV, Chapter 7 and a log-in bonus of 13 orbs.
Additionally, the Forging Bonds: Peaceful Ends event is live and for up to seven days, you can snag 2 Orbs for the first clear of a map (once a day). Also more rewards will be available to earn in this event, such as accessories, First Summon Tickets, and Divine Codes.
Pokemon Masters – Producer details the Legendary Arena, Entei being added, and more
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Pokemon Master’s producer Yu Sasaki has released a new letter (#10) which gives details on upcoming events as well as explaining the use of recently updated features.
First, he talks about the new Tactics feature and how to optimize your team. But then he gets right into the new content, detailing the new Legendary Arena battles and how the opponents in these battles will work. The opponents in the Legendary Arena will have high HP and the attack patterns of these Pokemon will change when their HP is decreased- meaning that switching Sync Pairs will be very important for this battle. It appears that Entei will be the first Pokemon added to the arena.
Then Sasaki talks about the plans to improve existing features like reorganizing battles that reward items, reducing time spent battling for items, and setting a maximum number of playable battles per day. The full text of this letter is available in the source below to anyone who would like to know more specifics about these features.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Nintendo financial results briefing call Q&A – barely in middle of Switch lifecycle, additional mobile games coming, more
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch | 0 comments
After Nintendo released its latest financial results today, the company hosted a conference call with investors. This replaced the traditional briefing we’ve grown accustomed to in recent years, but a Q&A session was still held.
Analyst David Gibson was on the call and passed along details from the Q&A portion. Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:
More: top
Nintendo on its mobile games, Mario Kart Tour players and Gold Pass subscribers increasing
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Dragalia Lost thanks players for participating in Kindred Spirits event
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
As Kindred Spirits has been enjoyed by players all over the world, Tiki and Mym would like to express their gratitude with a gift. Be sure to log in to receive five summon vouchers and 50 fafnir medals. Did you enjoy the Kindred Spirits event? Did you add any new favorites to your roster? Let us know how you feel in the comments below.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Pokemon GO revamping PokeCoins system – lowered amount from defending Gyms, daily activities to earn
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon GO players can use PokeCoins in-game to receive premium items. These can currently only be earned by defending Gyms, but Niantic will soon be mixing things up. The company announced today that it is exploring new ways to earn PokeCoins while playing in one place.
A test run will soon be rolling out in Australia before rolling out worldwide, which will involve daily activities like evolving a Pokemon, making a great throw, catching a Pokemon, and more. Completing them will let you earn five PokeCoins. It’s also been announced that the number of PokeCoins earned from defending Gyms will be lowered from six per hour to two and the maximum number you can earn in a day will be raised to 55.
Here’s the full notice from Niantic:
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO
Dragalia Lost celebrates Kindred Spirits event with special art
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Kindred Spirits has been in full swing in Dragalia Lost for a couple of weeks now. Boasting two summon showcases and a plethora of quests and maps, players have been able to shoot for crossover units to add to their rosters from the popular Fire Emblem series. Today this special art featured above was released to commemorate the event. Have you added any of the event characters to your adventuring team? Leave a comment below.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Mario Kart Tour – Flower Tour now live, Springtime Daisy and Monty Mole added
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The Flower Tour has begun for players of Mario Kart Tour. This tour adds a new rendition of Daisy with a flowery flair, as well as the loveable Monty Mole. Check out the action in the trailer below: