Dragalia Lost – Gala Dragalia begins September 27, Platinum Showcase available
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new Gala Dragalia even will be available in Dragalia Lost starting on September 27th, and a Platinum Showcase will be available for purchase during it.
Gala Prince is set to be featured in the Gala Dragalia until October 2nd. Then, past Gala Dragalia adventurers will be available until October 4th.
In addition, a Platinum Showcase will be available for purchase, which is a special tenfold summon that ensures at least one 5-star pickup.
Those interested can view more details below.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost – “First Anniversary Dragalia Digest” full presentation
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo and Cygames have uploaded the full presentation for Dragalia Lost’s “First Anniversary Dragalia Digest”. Give it a look below.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost getting Mega Man crossover event
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new Mega Man crossover event is in the works for Dragalia Lost. That news comes from director Yuji Okada, who made the announcement during today’s “Dragalia Digest” video.
Unfortunately, details are under wraps for the time being. Additional information is expected on October 1 as part of a monthly status update.
The Mega Man crossover event will launch in Dragalia Lost this winter.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost update rolling out (version 1.12.0), patch notes
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A big update is starting to roll out for Dragalia Lost. Version 1.12.0 involves raid boosts, Expert and Master difficulties for Advanced Dragon Trials, and much more.
Below are the full patch notes:
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost, title update
Mario Kart Tour launch trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo has gone live with an official launch trailer for Mario Kart Tour, which debuted on mobile earlier today. We have the video below.
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour debuts as the top free iPhone app in 58 markets
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Early reports indicate that Mario Kart Tour is off to a strong start. Based on data from Sensor Tower, it is currently the top free iPhone app in 58 markets, including the United States and Japan.
As far as revenue goes, it’s sitting at #19 for iPhone apps in the U.S. That’s a significantly improved debut compared to Dr. Mario World, which came in at #503. However, Fire Emblem Heroes was the #17 top iPhone revenue app for its debut day back in February 2017.
More: DeNA, Dr. Mario World, Mario Kart Tour
Video: Mario Kart Tour vs. Mario Kart 7 comparison
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Mario Kart Tour finally released earlier today, and it includes some tracks that were also in Mario Kart 7 on 3DS. See how the two versions compare in the video below.
More: comparison, DeNA, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour gacha rates revealed
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Mario Kart Tour has a different way of unlocking characters and vehicles compared to previous entries in the series. Tying in with its mobile roots, they have a certain rarity type and appearance rate. Content can be unlocked at random by launching the “Pipe” after completing races or getting involved with microtransactions.
We now have some additional information as to how the Pipe works. Each one has 100 launches in total, though players are guaranteed to receive the time-sensitive Tour Spotlight items like Pauline within those 100. Although Pipes can be reset, there’s no guarantee of being given all unique items within its use. Obtaining duplicate items can cause a character’s, kart’s or glider’s skill level to increase.
As for the gatcha/appearance rates, they are as follows:
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Pokemon GO to host World Tourism Day event
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Niantic has announced a new World Tourism Day event for Pokemon GO. Starting tomorrow, players can participate in a number of activities. A new T-shirt will be available in addition to region-limited Pokemon in Eggs, Mime Jr. will be appearing for the first time, specially themed Field Research tasks are planned, and more.
Here’s a full rundown of the event:
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO
Mario Kart Tour release celebrated with special art, footage
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Mario Kart Tour was originally announced back in January 2018. Today, Nintendo finally made the game available. Some special art has been shared to celebrate, which we have above.
And here’s 20 minutes of footage: