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Switch eShop

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Hamster released gameplay footage for its latest Arcade Archives release, 1989’s Omega Fighters for the NeoGeo. Check out how it plays below.


A new trailer has come online for Paladins promoting Battle Pass 2. The video, posted below, highlights how players can unlock Skins, Emotes, and other rewards just by playing the game.

Crossing Souls

Yesterday, Devolver Digital published Crossing Souls on the Switch eShop. We have a new launch trailer attached below.


According to a eShop listing, Treadnauts is coming soon to Switch. A page on the store shows a release date of August 17.

Treadnauts is an action game in which you control a tank, pull off stylish maneuvers, and battle others in matches. A single-player Target Test mode is also included.

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

Digerati will be bringing 1979 Revolution: Black Friday to Switch next Thursday. For a look at the game, check out the footage below.

NIS America has permanently reduced the prices of its games across the various eShops. Switch, 3DS, and Wii U titles are included.

Here’s the full lineup:

Enter the Gungeon recently received a massive Gungeons & Draguns update. Following up on that, Devolver Digital and Dodge Roll issued another patch to take care of some issues and more. You can now get your hands on version 1.0.5.

The full patch notes are as follows:

Hamster is once again bringing another NeoGeo game to Switch this week with The King of Fighters ’97. Check out some footage below.

A new Summer Sale has kicked off on the European Switch and 3DS eShops. Many titles have been discounted for Switch in particular, though Nintendo has its own discounts for 3DS players.

Here’s the full lineup of deals:

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