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Switch eShop

Ahead of its release on April 27, TealRock Studio has published a launch trailer for the game. We have the video included below.

Rival Megagun is in development for Switch, publisher Degica announced today. A release is planned for late 2018.

A competitive shoot ’em up, Rival Megagun lets you transform into a huge boss ship and invade your opponent’s screen. Along with a single-player arcade mode, local and online versus battles are supported.

Rogue Aces

Tomorrow, Rogue Aces will be joining the Switch eShop. For a look at the title, check out the gameplay video below.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

MLB The Show 18 (PS4) – 8/8/8/7
Death end re;Quest (PS4) – 8/8/8/7
Metal Max Xeno (PS4/PSV) – 8/8/8/7
Lode Runner Legacy (NSW) – 8/8/7/8
Gravel (PS4) – 7/7/8/8
The Flame in the Flood (NSW) – 7/7/7/8
Gotcha Racing 2nd (NSW) – 7/6/7/7
TT Isle Of Man (PS4) – 7/7/7/6
ClusterPuck 99 (NSW) – 6/5/7/7

Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of April 19. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


Streets of Red

Streets of Red: Devil’s Dare Deluxe launches on the Switch April 12. We now have footage of some gameplay below. Check it out:

Footage is in showing off Just Shapes & Beats on the Switch. Take a look at the gameplay below:


Iconoclasts is officially coming to Switch, developer Joakim Sandberg has confirmed. MP2 Games is handling the port.

On Switch, Iconoclasts will include expanded difficulty options and a boss rush mode. At any point, you’ll be able to change the difficulty. The game will also feature “a difficulty that lets you get past harder challenges without dying,” Sandberg says.

Stardew Valley

ConcernedApe provided the latest status update for Stardew Valley’s multiplayer update today. Currently, the developer is sorting out bugs. If all goes well, it could be wrapped up in about a month.

ConcernedApe tweeted the following a short while ago:

It’s not immediately clear when Stardew Valley’s multiplayer update will be available on Switch, but the point is that we should be seeing it sooner rather than later. We’ll continue to share news about the patch as we have it.


A launch trailer has come in to promote the release of Super Daryl Deluxe on Switch today. Get a look at the video below.

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