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Switch eShop

We found out that Brawlout is in the works for Switch back in August. News about the game has been relatively quiet since then, but you’ll be happy to hear that it’s not too far off. The official Brawlout Twitter account says that a release is planned within the next month

Here’s the tweet in question:

Thanks to Mariano Z for the tip.


Nintendo’s website had listed Human: Fall Flat for December 7 on Switch. Today, Curve Digital made it official. You’ll be able to purchase Human: Fall Flat from the eShop at the start of next month.

Here’s a trailer:

Wired Productions has announced that the Switch version of Vostok Inc. will be receiving exclusive content. In the shooter coming to Switch, players will be able to explore Pluto.

Here’s the announcement video:

Vostok Inc. is planned for Switch sometime this holiday.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Batman: The Telltale Series – €44.99
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – €59.99 (available November 17)
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal – €19.99 (available November 17)
L.A. Noire – €49.99
Lumo – €19.99
Rime – €34.99
Super Putty Squad – €14.99

Some of you may recall that Sky Force Reloaded was released on Wii U earlier this year. Another entry is now on the way to Switch called Sky Force Reloaded, which is now officially confirmed.

Sky Force Reloaded is an air-based arcade shoot ’em up that acts as a sequel to Sky Force Anniversary. Features like online tournaments and a co-op mode are included. On Switch, the plan is to have the game ready sometime in December.

We have more details about Sky Force Reloaded below, along with a trailer.

Rain Games announced a release date for the Switch version of World to the West today. The game, which is a standalone sequel to Teslagrad, will be available on January 18. Pricing is set at $19.99 / €19.99 /£19.99.

As for the Wii U version, it’s once again confirmed to still b in development. Lead artist Ivar Rudi says that “it is being a hard optimization job, but we’re working on it as promised”.

Source: Rain Games PR

We heard yesterday that the Switch version of Kid Tripp is coming to the Japanese Switch eShop next week. Fortunately, the news isn’t just limited to Japan.

Four Horses confirmed on Twitter that North America and Europe are getting Kid Tripp on November 23. The game will be priced the same as the 3DS version.


System: Switch
Release date: November 14, 2017
Developer: Ludosity
Publisher: Nicalis

Years after Ludosity’s well-received Ittle Dew back in 2013 on Steam before making its way to consoles about a year later, Ittle Dew 2+ is here and makes its way over to the Switch, offering fans of top-down dungeon crawlers and old-school Zelda players something to look forward to, and a sequel that finds itself just as wildly charming and humorous as it was the first time around. The game brings with it some new treats that make it feel like a fresh, albeit familiar, new adventure for our protagonists Ittle Dew and Tippsie.

Yet another game has been confirmed for Switch in November as the hectic month continues. Team17 just announced that Worms W.M.D will be out via the eShop on November 23.

The Switch version of Worms W.M.D has all of the action in both local and online multiplayer. You’ll be able to use any mix of controllers, including the Joy-Con and the Pro Controller. Up to six player are supported via the pass-the-console option. A brand new space theme named Wormhole will be appearing first on Switch, in addition to new Mushroom and Tree forts, three new hats, and three new gravestones.

Worms W.M.D will cost £19.99 on Switch. We should have North American pricing shortly.

Source: Team17 PR

Kid Tripp was brought to 3DS earlier in the year. Following the launch, Four Horses promised a Switch version as well.

Now we can say that Kid Tripp is coming to Switch next week, in Japan at least. The eShop lists the game for November 23 with Rainy Frog as its publisher.

Here’s a trailer:

Source: Switch eShop

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