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Switch eShop

Update (10/28): Ripstone has made the November 2 release date official for both North America and Europe. Pricing is $12.49 / €12.49 / £9.99.

Original (10/27): Chess Ultra doesn’t seem to be too far away from hitting Switch. A listing on the European Switch eShop has the game down for November 2.

The Switch version of Chess Ultra will have a “local multiplayer cross-table playing mode, whereby the console acts as the chess board.” Cross-play with Xbox One and PC is also supported.

Here’s a trailer:

Chess Ultra will cost €12.49 on Switch. It’ll take up 2.1GB of space.

Source: Switche Shop

A new update for Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition has gone live. Players who purchased and download the game can access version 1.0.2.

Crunching Koalas says that the update improves Joy-Con management and makes small co-op difficulty tweaks. Additionally, a few minor fixes have been implemented.


Bread Machine Games has revealed that Deathstate is in the works for Switch. This week, the image above was posted on the game’s Twitter account. A release date shouldn’t be too far away.

Deathstate is described as “a roguelike, bullet hell, single stick shooter set in a bizarre world of dimensional exploration”. We’ve got plenty of additional details below, along with a trailer.

Moon Hunters is now available on Switch as one of the latest eShop downloads. We’ve got the official launch trailer below.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Stardew Valley
3. Fire Emblem Warriors
4. Golf Story
5. Sonic Mania
6. The Flame in the Flood
7. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
8. Overcooked: Special Edition
9. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
10. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
11. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
12. Arcade Archives Mario Bros.
13. SteamWorld Dig 2
14. The Jackbox Party Pack 4
15. Axiom Verge
16. Picross S
17. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
18. Pokken Tournament DX
19. Don’t Knock Twice
20. Snake Pass

Source: Switch eShop


A few new games out came out this week on the various eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

A listing on the European eShop has once again clued us in on next week’s NeoGeo game for Switch. Hamster will be publishing Art of Fighting 3.

Here’s an overview:

“Art of Fighting 3 is a fighting game released by SNK in 1996. As a side-story in the Art of Fighting series, it portrays the drama and battles of the various fighters. With the Ultimate KO system and other mechanics, it makes a stake in a new frontier of 2D fighting games.”

ACA NeoGeo Art of Fighting 3 releases on November 2. Pricing is set at $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Source: Switch eShop

With a demo for Sonic Forces being made available on the Japanese Switch eShop, we’re able to see how the game stacks up on Nintendo’s console and the PlayStation 4. See the two versions compared below.

FDG Entertainment is back with another reveal of a new transformation form from Monster Boy. The previous style was ditched, and the game now features a hand-drawn look.

Today’s reveal is the snake, which is pictured above. We should have a shot of the Pig and Dragon forms next. FDG says that once all forms are shown, we’ll have a glimpse of the animation, which is “a night and day difference to all the old footage of the game”.


The new update for Earth Atlantis is here. Headup Games and Pixel Perfex have sent out version 1.0.1.

Today’s patch involves the following:

– Drop the sub-weapon that you had equipped before you got defeated right at your restart point
– Item boxes spawn much closer to the restart point and player’s location
– Increased drop rates of items and sub-weapons
– Increased the player’s ship speed
– Reduced the difficulty of some boss monsters, especially on Easy Mode
– Minor bugs fixed
– A new game icon

Earth Atlantis should be updated automatically to version 1.0.1. If it doesn’t, there should be an update option in the game’s settings.

Source: Headup Games PR

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