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Switch eShop

Huey Games shared a new video for Hyper Sentinel today giving a look at the title running on Switch. Have a look at it below.

We’ve got a video, slightly under half an hour, of Yono and the Celestial Elephants gameplay from the Vooks YouTube channel. The video shows off the early parts of the game, check it out down below.

NintenDaan has uploaded a video of 88 Heroes – 98 Heroes Edition for the Nintendo Switch from the European eShop, you can check out the gameplay down below.

At Gamescom, one Switch game that was on display was Deru: The Art of Cooperation. While the event itself took place back in August, we’re only hearing about it now. Deru was tucked away at the Indie Arena at Gamescom.

Deru: The Art of Cooperation is a co-op puzzler. By handing a Joy-Con to a friend, both of you can play together.

We’ve included some information about Deru below, along with a trailer. It’s planned for release by the end of this year.

Pixel Perfex and Headup Games launched Earth Atlantis on the Switch eShop last week. Similiar to some other titles we’ve been seeing, a patch is already underway.

Pixel Perfex has at least confirmed that it will be quicker and easier to get weapons back. The home menu icon will be refreshed as well. Other than that, we’ll have to see if anything else is changed.


Shantae developer WayForward has announced a released date for The Mummy Demastered. The game is set to arrive later this month – specifically October 24.

The Mummy Demastered should be distributed on the eShop. No word yet on pricing, but we’ll add it in here if we that information is shared.


Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition is scheduled to hit the Switch eShop on Thurday. Have a look at some footage below.

SteamWorld Dig 2

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from September 2017. You can watch it below.

Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition is a game that we first heard about last month. Today, Ratalaika Games announced a release date of October 12 on Switch (a 3DS version is due out later).

Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition is an old school beat ’em up in which you play as the titular Squareboy who is on a quest for justice. This new version of the game has more content than the original version.

GamesIndustry spoke with Marvelous marketing manager Michael Fisher to talk all things Senran Kagura. One topic discussed is the audience playing the series, which might be somewhat surprising.

Fisher said that quite a few female players are giving Senran Kagura a shot – around 30 to 40 percent. Gamers aged 20 to 25 are also the primary demographic.

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