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Switch eShop

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

Lizardcube and DotEmu held a joint Reddit AMA session today. Representatives of both companies touched on various topics, including developing for Switch, DLC, 3DS, and more.

We’ve collected the noteworthy comments from the Reddit AMA below. You can read the full thing here.

Zen Pinball developer Zen Studios has announced its first project for Switch. This spring, the company will publish Infinite Minigolf on the system alongside other platforms.

Infinite Minigolf lets players make their own course creations and experience plenty of customization options. Below is an overview:

“Using the robust toolset contained in the course editor, players are the creators, and can showcase their creative abilities to players all over the world! Players will place course tiles and a vast assortment of gameplay objects into beautifully crafted environments as they create amazing minigolf courses.

Players can participate in 8-player online multiplayer matchups, local multiplayer matchups, and a variety of fun single player modes. Unlock a huge selection of cool minigolf gear, discover fun powerups that elevate minigolf gameplay to new levels of excitement.

Infinite Minigolf features incredibly accurate ball physics, in addition to dazzling graphics and detailed environments, each with a distinct visual theme and gameplay features.”

Infinite Minigolf should be offered as an eShop download on Switch. Take a look at a new trailer for the game below.

Source: Zen Studios PR

Inti Creates has big plans in store for this year’s BitSummit. The company said today that it will not only reveal plans for Blaster Master Zero’s DLC, but also reveal two new games. It’s unclear if the unannounced titles will be on Nintendo platforms, though it’s certainly a possibility.

BitSummit will take place between May 20 and May 21. It will be held at the Miyako Messe in Kyoto.

Update: We actually have some news about the Wii U version. Unfortunately, it has been cancelled.

Ratalaika Games has brought several games to Wii U and 3DS. Now the publisher is preparing its first title for Switch: League of Evil.

The news was teased on Twitter earlier today:

You may recall that League of Evil was announced last year for Wii U and 3DS. Those versions haven’t made it out yet, as Ratalaika said it took some time to acquire the license for cross-play between Nintendo platforms and PC. In February, League of Evil was said to be hitting Wii U and 3DS “a little bit later on in the year”. It’s unclear what the status is currently, but we should be getting this Switch version at the very least.


Nintendo UK published their monthly eShop highlights video today. Here’s what was going on in the month the Switch was launched:

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap came out this week as a digital title on Switch. Lizardcube, the game’s developer, isn’t ruling out a physical version.

A new blog post states that the team is “investigating the possibility of doing a physical release later, however if it happens it probably wouldn’t be for all platforms/regions and may be in limited quantities.” Right now it “may or may not happen.”

Lizardcube said:

“The game is a digital download only. We are investigating the possibility of doing a physical release later, however if it happens it probably wouldn’t be for all platforms/regions and may be in limited quantities. We are looking into it; please bear we us that physical goods may not be at our reach and few studios at this point know how to manufacture them e.g. Switch games. So it may or may not happen.”


Ahead of its western launch next week, more lengthy footage of the downloadable Switch game Kamiko has surfaced. Another 40-minute video can be found below.

TumbleSeed is one of the next notable indie titles on Switch. To download it, you’ll need 427MB of free space on internal memory or a microSD card. TumbleSeed should be available on May 2 in both North America and Europe.

More footage has arrived showing off TumbleSeed, which launches for Switch on May 2. View another hour of gameplay below.

Shovel Knight: Official Design Works is an upcoming book from Yacht Club Games and Udon Entertainment. It’ll feature key art, character concepts, enemy designs, sprite sheets, unused ideas, and a tribute art gallery along with creator commentary and an exclusive interview.

For those interested in the cover, we now have that above via an Amazon listing. Speaking of which, the retailer is currently taking pre-orders which are at a $7 discount. Reservations are also now live on Amazon Canada and Amazon UK.

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