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Mario Tennis Aces

NPD Group has released a listing of the top twenty best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of June 2018. The results can be found below.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country is starting to approach its release date. As such, Nintendo and Monolith Soft are beginning to share more information about the RPG expansion.

First up is an introduction to Jin and Lora along with screenshots. We have the full rundown below.

Pre-orders have opened for the Salt and Sanctuary – Drowned Tome Edition. You can currently reserve it at Amazon or GameStop.

Salt and Sanctuary – Drowned Tome Edition arrives on October 30. It includes the game, download code for the original soundtrack on Bandcamp, 2-sided poster, and 20-page manual.

Amazon Japan has gone live with the first screenshots from Robotics;Notes DaSH. The retailer provides an official overview as well, which Gematsu translated.

Here’s the full rundown:

Disgaea 1 Complete

NIS America issued the latest trailer for Disgaea 1 Complete today that introduces Laharl, Etna, Vyers Mid-Boss, and Prinny. Watch it below.

Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai has posted a new column in this week’s issue of Famitsu. Sakurai goes in-depth on the topic of presentations, and discusses how he went about the (roughly) 20-minute reveal of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at E3.

He shares some tidbits as well, including the fact that Digital Frontier worked on CG. The design document for Smash Bros. Ultimate is also 200 pages long.

Flipping Death

Flipping Death, Zoink’s Stick it to the Man spiritual successor, has been dated for the Switch eShop. The adventure and platformer mashup arrives in less than a week – August 7.

Here’s the full notice from Zoink:

Nintendo Switch Online

Nintendo Switch Online is about a month away from its full launch. When that happens, most games on the system will require the paid membership to play via the internet. However, there seems to be a few exceptions: free-to-play titles.

The eShop provides some interesting information here. For a listing like Minecraft, which has online play, the page store has the following notice in the fine print:

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura

This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlights include first looks at Peach Ball: Senran Kagura and Kamen Rider Climax Scramble Zio, Robotics;Notes DaSH, and Neko Tomo. Scans of all games are below.


Salt and Sanctuary

Salt and Sanctuary heads to Switch digitally tomorrow, with a physical version to follow at the end of October. Take a look at some footage below.

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