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Nintendo’s latest image for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild shows off some concept art. We now have a look at donkeys, which carry a variety of merchandise and accompany traveling merchants. You’ll come across them at stables or on the road.


Suda51 was one of a few third-party representatives on hand for the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. He was there to announce plans for a brand new project on the new system featuring Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes.

Unfortunately, as many of you know, there were some translation issues with Suda51’s speech. In a new interview, he explained that a prompter was in place, but he “stuck to about 80% of the script.” Suda51 then formally apologized to the translator and wants to offer to fly him to Seattle for dinner. He also doesn’t anyone to give the translator grief about the situation.

It wasn’t all bad though. Suda51 noted that “Nintendo praised me and said it was a great presentation. Foreign people over here probably didn’t understand much of what was going on.”

Suda51’s speech did end up getting a proper fan translation a little while back. If you missed it, you can find the video right here.


Super Bomberman R will offer several different multiplayer options. On the game’s official website, these are fully detailed.

First, in terms of local play, up to eight controllers can be paired with Switch for an 8-player battle. Two controllers can also be paired to four Switch systems to again battle it out with eight players.

Super Bomberman R also supports online. By pairing two controllers to four Switches that are connected to the internet, you can participate in an 8-player battle here as well.


GameSpot is currently hosting a live stream with Nintendo to show off 1-2-Switch. The in-progress stream is below, and once it’s finished, you should be able to see the full archive.


Speaking with GameSpot, Bethesda game director Todd Howard said that Nintendo was “less interested” in the company’s games in the past. However, that has since changed.

Howard noted that Nintendo has been a “very good partner” for Bethesda in its effort to bring Skyrim to the Switch. “Whereas before they were less interested in the types of things that we did or some other groups did,” he said.

Howard also had some praise for Switch. Regarding the new platform, he had this to say:

“I think it’s really smart what they’ve done. I think it’s the kind of device that only Nintendo could make. It’s exciting to bring Skyrim to the Nintendo audience. I don’t know where it’s gonna go. But I think it’s a really smart platform. We like it a lot.”


Update 2: We’re now hearing that orders are being cancelled. Guess it was too good to be true!

Update: Deal is dead.

Original: Amazon UK seems to have made a massive error, as the digital version of 1-2-Switch is currently going for just £1.99 on the site. It goes without saying that we have a price mistake on our hands.

You can try ordering a copy right here. We’ll have to hope that orders aren’t cancelled, but that could be a possibility.


Capcom has released official details and screenshots for Ultra Street Fighter II based on Famitsu’s latest coverage. Content pertaining to the game’s first-person mode, art gallery, and Color Edit feature are below, courtesy of Gematsu.

“Way of the Hado” / Unleash! Ha-DO-Ken

– Defeat Shadaloo Soldiers with the Joy-Con controllers in each hand and unleash Hadokens and Shoryukens using motion controls and button combinations
– Defeat enemies to clear stages in Stage Mode
– Endless Mode: continue fighting until your health reaches zero
– Training Mode: practice your techniques
– Get “Growth Points” based on the gameplay content, which can be used to strengthen Ryu’s Attack, Speed, Guts, Defense, Luck, and Vital stats
– Strengthen Ryu to your liking in order to aim for the high score

Street Fighter Series High-Resolution Illustration Gallery

– Browse through over 1,400 carefully selected illustrations from SF20: The Art of Street Fighter
– 250dpi high-resolution
– Can magnify even the most minor of text

Color Edit

– Color Edit feature included
– Edit character colors to your liking and store them
– Customize character colors using the touchscreen
– The colors you store can be used in arcade mode, as well as versus and online battles
– Store up to 10 edited colors for each character


With the Switch unboxing video that emerged earlier today, we have an important reconfirmation about how the system handles eShop purchases.

Much like with Wii U and 3DS, you can link a Nintendo Account to Nintendo’s new system. On Switch, doing so will allow for all eShop purchases to be tied to that account rather than the system. If you remove that link but re-link it at another point, it’s possible to redownload software or DLC that you purchased. Nintendo does say that discontinued software may be unavailable for redownload “in some cases.”

Reggie had previously indicated that eShop purchases could be tied to a Nintendo Account on Switch. Thankfully, now we have another confirmation straight from the system.

Source, Via


We now have an idea of what the demo kiosks for the Switch will look like, at least for GameStop locations. It appears to just be intended to show off the console screen, and not actually as a playable demo. Check it out below.


Switch unboxing video

Posted on 8 years ago by in News, Switch, Videos | 32 Comments

Continuing the early Switch footage and pictures, we now have an unboxing video for the console from the website FloKo. Furthermore, this looks to be the world’s first unboxing of a Switch. It’s been quite a day for Switch leaks, and I’m sure it has only made the wait harder for some out there. For the rest, you can see the unboxing video for yourself below.


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