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Wii U eShop

Shin’en tweeted out a few Wii U-related technical tidbits on Twitter over the past few weeks. Here’s a quick overview as to what was shared:


Two Tribes is done making Toki Tori games. The studio’s Collin von Ginkel told NintendoLatino that after Toki Tori 2+ didn’t meet sales expectations, “we’ve decided that we are not going to be making a new Toki Tori game, ever.”

We could still see the character in the future, albeit in a much smaller role. Something like a cameo appearance or Easter egg would be possible.

Well, since Toki Tori 2 + did not perform as well as we had hoped, we’ve decided that we are not going to be making a new Toki Tori game, ever. He’ll be back in some Easter egg probably, but we are moving on and taking on other genres.


Wii Sports Club’s free-to-play weekend is officially a global event. Nintendo followed up with a confirmation for Europe today, following last week’s announcements for North America and Japan. All of Wii Sports Club’s offerings can be played for free on Saturday and Sunday only.


Cypronia is bringing My Style Studio: Hair Salon to the Wii U eShop next week, a listing on Nintendo’s website confirms. The game will be out on March 27 in North America.

You’ll find an overview of My Style Studio: Hair Salon after the break.

Nintendo of America has approved Unepic’s new update. Given that, it should be available for download soon.

EnjoyUp Games shared the update news on Twitter earlier today:


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