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Wii U


Wii U owners in the US can now purchase a high-capacity GamePad battery from Nintendo’s online store. Whereas the original controller battery lasts just 3-5 hours, the new one offers up to eight hours of use.

You can make a purchase for the high-capacity battery here. Pricing is set at $32 (plus shipping).


Wii U overview video

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 3 Comments


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

A Luma becomes a star. Lumas are tough, but can also be blown away. Luckily, there’s an infinite number of them.

At this point, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who would have expected Dark Souls II on Wii U. But a few comments from producer Takeshi Miyazoe aren’t exactly encouraging.

EDGE asked Miyazoe if publisher Namco Bandai had ever considered the game for Wii U. He gave a simple no, and then laughed when the publication asked why. He went on to explain, “It was more of a company decision,” before concluding, “I think the audience for the Wii U is a lot different from the audience for Dark Souls.”

Check out this excerpt from EDGE’s recent article:

Asked whether From Software and Namco ever considered a Wii U port, Miyazoe bluntly replies: “No.” When asked why, he explodes with laughter. “Wii U never came up, and we never doubted that (decision) either,” he says. “It was more of a company decision, so I wasn’t the one that decided this, but I think the audience for the Wii U is a lot different from the audience for Dark Souls.”


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