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In the very near future, BLOK DROP U will be receiving its first title update. While it won’t introduce any additional content, RCMADIAX has implemented a number of changes to improve upon the core experience.

I was recently given the opportunity to try out BLOK DROP U’s impending update. For some quick impressions, head past the break.

I decided to take some footage of the The Wonderful 101 demo and edit it together to help some of you make sense of what the game really is! Within the footage is both explanation and review, so you’ll know what things work and what things don’t about the game prior to ever having to try it yourself!

Everybody likes lists, so we’ve got three of them for you!

Authors: Austin, Jack, and Laura

E3 2013 has finally come to a close, and just like the best of websites we decide to give you each of our five games of show. The lists are, by and large, pretty subjective, but the descriptive paragraphs should give you a good idea of whether or not you’d enjoy the game as much as we did.

Hit the break for Laura’s list!

Cartoon Network’s two smash hit TV shows, Adventure Time and Regular Show, are getting the video game treatment thanks to D3Publisher and Cartoon Network Enterprises.

Author: Spencer

Check out the full preview here!

High-octane, arcade-style combat racing: Coming to Wii U in 2014.

Author: Austin

Amidst the flurry of charming and pleasant indie titles making their way to the Wii U eShop as an effect of Nintendo’s strong interest in the independent community, one game exists that brands itself neither charming nor pleasant: The high speed brawler Road Redemption is based off of a 1991-1999 video game series called “Road Rash”, and it’s coming to PC, Mac, Linux, and Wii U in the second half of 2014. But what’s the game actually about?

“It’s all about motorcycle combat racing.”, the developer DarkSeas games told me in an interview, ”So imagine you’re playing an action game like God of War or Zelda: Twilight Princess, but moving at 100mph.”

Well. That sounds pretty awesome.

The remake of Donkey Kong Country Returns is just a few weeks away from being on store shelves, but what does the game showcase that wasn’t already in the Wii version?

Author: Spencer

Earlier this year, Nintendo announced that they were hard at work on re-releasing their hit Wii game Donkey Kong Country Returns for the 3DS, not surprisingly titled Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. The game is essentially a carbon copy port of the Wii version aside from a few new additions explained after the break, but all the core levels and gameplay mechanics have been retained.

So, what can players expect from this handheld version? Hit the jump to find out.

The announcement of “A Link to the Past 2” brings with it many questions, but through the cloud of speculation we can see that some details about the game are more important than others.

Author: Jack

The grand finale in this past, highly acclaimed Nintendo Direct was quite the doozy– not only will there be a brand-spankin’-new Zelda game for 3DS out in only six to eight months, it will also be a successor to the beloved A Link to the Past. But what exactly do we know about it? Is it a direct sequel? Is it the same game remade? Is it brand new? We’ve got 5 of the biggest things you can expect out of this title, right here on NintendoEverything!

Hit the break for the full list!

Spencer makes his NintendoEverything debut by filling you in on some things you may not have known about Animal Crossing’s 3DS debut!

Author: Spencer

The North American release of Animal Crossing: New Leaf is drawing near! Nintendo Everything is here to let players know what they should be getting excited to experience in this highly-anticipated new addition to the franchise.

Hit the break for the full list!

Co-creative director Florent Sacré talks to me about ZombiU’s “Survival” mode, creating a tense atmosphere, and how “open world” the game is.

There are a lot of Wii U launch games coming out on Sunday, but none of them are quite as hotly anticipated as Ubisoft Montpellier’s ZombiU. This isn’t necessarily because we all think it looks incredible (which, admittedly many of us do), but there’s a certain excitement surrounding it that isn’t present when talking about New Super Mario Bros. U or Scribblenauts Unlimited. It’s a new IP, for one, but it’s also a return to the survival horror styles of yesteryear, and it uses the Gamepad more interestingly than any other launch title, bar none.

Even if you forget about all of that, though, the concept alone might be enough to call ZombiU the zombie game we’ve been dreaming about for years.

Hey guys! Just wanted to help you all out by posting all the great features we’ve had written over the last couple of days about E3 in one place so you don’t have to scroll through all the news to read em. Check out what we’ve got to offer here:


3 Announcements From Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference (That Completely Disappointed)


Kirby: Mass Attack – A Hidden Gem Among E3 Giants


Mario Kart 3D – Shaken, Not Stirred


Star Fox 64 3D Multiplayer – Perfect Blend of Old and New


Impressions from Day One at E3 – A Full Text Overview


E3 Day One: Full Overview/Impressions [Podcast/Roundtable]


Resident Evil: Revelations – Unfortunately, I Can’t Make Fun of This Game


3 Things About Metal Gear Solid 3D That Will End The Franchise On 3DS


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Public Service Announcement (Impressions)


E3 Day Two: Full Overview/Impressions [Podcast/Roundtable]


Impressions from Day Two at E3 – Full Text Overview


Please check all of this out! It’s all written by us for you guys!

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