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Kit and Krysta tackle three more Game of the Year categories in the latest episode of Nintendo Minute. These include the best (worst) enemy, best eShop game and best soundtrack. Watch today’s full video below.

Image & Form has published a new episode of “The Engine Room”. In today’s video, the studio goes over some gameplay basics of SteamWorld Heist on 3DS. Watch it below.

Dinox trailer

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 8 Comments

Engine Software will be coming out with its Dinosaur trivia game “Dinox” on the Wii U eShop next week. Check out a trailer below.

After nearly a year, Nintendo has finally readied a new episode of The Cat Mario Show for North America. Episode 4 is posted below.

Last week, Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom came out on the European Wii U Virtual Console. Watch some footage of the download below.

More footage of FAST Racing Neo has been posted online, this time showing Avalanche Valley gameplay. Check it out below.

At The Game Awards 2015 tonight, late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was honored with a tribute – not to mention a touching speech from Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime. You can watch the full segment below.

FAST Racing Neo has a couple of different multiplayer options. You can either face off against others online or by taking on friends locally. Footage of the latter mode is in the video below.

Mahi-Mahi Resort will be going live in Splatoon in just a few hours. Get another look at the new map below.


Kirby Mass Attack hit the European Wii U Virtual Console earlier today. Take a look at some footage of the title below.

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