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If you’d like another look at Stretchmo, take a look at the video below. There’s about a half hour of footage!


Along with today’s “Daily Duel” video, Ronimo Games also released a new introduction trailer. You can view it below.

The folks from The Consortium have uploaded more footage from Wales Interactive’s Soul Axiom. You can watch the video below.

Ronimo Games released the tenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is one Shamshir soldier, two Electric Elders, six Axethrowers and one Frozen Mjollnir spell versus four Nagas, four Berserkers and two Spearthrowers. Check it out below.

A video has emerged showing Hoopa Unbound’s Hyperspace Fury move. Check it out below.

Nintendo published a North American launch trailer for Stretchmo. Catch it below.

Game Informer has uploaded a couple of videos showing the first gameplay from Disney Infinity 3.0. In the first video, we get a look at the Tatooine track in Speedway. The second video showcases a bit of gameplay from the different playsets.

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SEGA uploaded a launch trailer for 3D Thunder Blade. We’ve posted it below.

Xavier Orion Games has prepared a new trailer for Booty Diver, which is hitting the Wii U eShop this summer. Watch it below.

Footage has now come in of the Wii U version of Nihilumbra. You’ll find it in the video below.

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