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Yanim Studio’s Kickstarted project, Red Goddess: Inner World, has a new trailer for the month of May! You can check it out below. Expect the game to be on Wii U sometime in 2016.

If you’d like to help back the game, you can do so at Kickstarter here

Some footage has come in of High Strangeness’ Wii U build. Check it out below.

Ronimo Games released the second “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, it’s two Berserkers and one Swordsman versus four Axethrowers. Check it out below.

Nintendo is airing a new commercial over in France to promote Mario Kart 8’s new 200cc mode and DLC. You can take a look at it below.

A new trailer for The Great Ace Attorney was shown during today’s episode of Capcom TV. Continue on below for the video.

If you skip back to the hour and 25 minute mark, you’ll also find some footage from The Great Ace Attorney. It’s basically rehash, but it’s worth watching if you missed it before!

Disastercake prepared a new video for Soul Saga. In today’s video, we get a new look at the game’s beta build. Take a look at it below.

A couple of French commercials have come in for Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition and Puzzle & Dragons Z. Watch them below.

I’m almost tempted not to post this given how Kirby and the Rainbow Curse has been out in North America for several months, and we’ve shared a ton of footage from the game. But if nothing else, this serves as a reminder for our friends in Europe that it finally launches this Friday!

Puzzle & Dragons Z launches with Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. edition in just a few days in  Europe. Nintendo UK has now released a new video showing off a pretty neat technique called the Stepping Stone, which comes in handy in Puzzle & Dragons Z. Check out what you think in the video below.

Nintendo’s latest “Bragg Report” is all about Splatoon. You can watch it in full below.


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