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Wii U eShop

Darksiders II will return to the European Wii U eShop next week, a listing on Nintendo’s UK website reveals. The game’s download is scheduled for relaunch on February 27. Nordic Games, who now owns the IP rights to Darksiders, will be publishing as expected.

You may remember that Darksiders II was pulled from the European eShop a little less than a year ago following THQ’s closure. Strangely though, the game is still up on the North American eShop to this day – with THQ still listed as publisher.

We’ve reached out to Nordic Games just to get the official word from them about Darksiders II’s renewed arrival in Europe. If we hear anything additional from the company, we’ll update this post.

Indie developer TreeFall Studios is planning its new project, Forbidden Sanctity, for Wii U. The title is said to be “A gaming experience that has the story, look, and feel of an RPG, with the jumping and puzzle solving mechanics of a 3D platformer.”

While TreeFall has opened a Kickstarter for Forbidden Sanctity, it already appears to be slated for Wii U. The game “will be a reason to own a Wii U, just to play this game with the Gamepad,” the developer says.


Black Forest Games will finally have its Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams patch ready to go next month, the studio told one fan on Facebook.

The update is pretty simple: it’ll enable sound while in off-TV play mode. No additional changes/improvements are expected.


Nihilumbra details

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

BeautiFun Games has shared several new details about Nihilumbra, including a price point. You can find a roundup of information below – which also includes a tease for the studio’s next game.

– They expect to release it on March but can´t assure it
– Priced at €8,99 and $9,99
– 1 player controls: move the character with d-pad or joystick, jump with A or B and paint & choose colors with the touchscreen
– 2 players assimetric gameplay: move the character with the d-pad of the Wii Remote and jump with button 2; other person manage the colors within the touchscreen
– Wii U Versions includes all the achievement from the Steam version
– Finishing the game unlocks the “emptyness mode”, with differente puzzles, more enemies and harder.
– When Off-TV mode in activated the main screen shows the logo of Nihilumbra and the sound moves from the TV to the Gamepad.
РBeautifun Games next game is called Megamagic. They say it is a mix of Comand & Conquer, Street of Rage, Pok̩mon and classic Zelda gameplays.
– Megamagic is stated to PC but they have something planned for the other platforms they have visited before (iOS and Wii U, but they never said their names)


Could Octodad: Dadliest Catch come to Wii U? Developer Young Horses seems unsure.

Young Horses first tweeted that it has no plans for Wii U earlier this week:

But today, the company said that it isn’t sure about a possible Wii U version:

So, maybe we’ll see Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Wii U. Or maybe we won’t.


Tengami trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

The trailer above is for the iOS launch, but it does give us another look at the game!

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