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This picture is how I feel about our podcast.

It’s a long one, but a good one for you this week! Some pointed discussions during “what we played” start us off, and we continue onwards with a silly news section (with Laura trying her hand at some news!), a fantastic discussion of Sonic Lost World, and a truly meaty talk about The Starship Damrey for the book club. Good stuff all around, complete with listener mail to boot.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura

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Nintendo won’t be holding a large-scale media briefing at this year’s E3, but press conferences have been an important part of the company’s past. And with E3 2013 right around the corner, I thought it’d be a great time to revisit some of their events – starting with E3 2001.

Nintendo’s E3 2001 conference was quite interesting. It was Nintendo’s big display of the GameCube: Smash Bros. was announced (and received a fantastic reaction!). Luigi’s Mansion and Pikmin were shown for the first time, too. We got a first look at the GameCube controllers, game disc, and even learned when the system would be launching around the world.

I’ve tried to incorporate some randomness/humor in our previous two videos. This time around, there’s no funny business. Watch it and let me know what you think! More E3 videos to come.

The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves released on the 3DS eShop just a few days ago. Amidst our glowing review we sat down with Genius Sonority CEO Manabu Yamana to discuss some of the… finer details of the series.

Read the full interview here.

All major retailers are now taking pre-orders for Mario Golf: World Tour. You can reserve the game at Amazon, Best Buy, or GameStop.

Mario Golf: World Tour is due out sometime this summer. A specific release date hasn’t been announced, but a GameFly listing indicated a release of August 25.

Flipnote Studio 3D is due out on the North American 3DS eShop in early August, the application’s new website confirms.

All 3DS owners will be able to download and use Flipnote Studio 3D for free. However, in order to use Flipnote Gallery: World and interact with other users across the globe, you’ll need to fork over $0.99 for 30 days of service. Keep in mind that the Flipnote Gallery: Friends functionality is completely free.

Another point worth mentioning is that Flipnote Gallery: World will be free to everyone between the hours of 3 PM and 7 PM, which is based on the 3DS’ internal clock. The first 30 days of use will be a free trial period.

More details about Flipnote Studio 3D, extracted from the app’s website, can be found below.

The Lost World: Jurassic Sonic

This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.

Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is “Let’s talk about Sonic: Lost World.”

Take the survey here! (more details inside if you’re confused)

Touch Battle Tank 3D-2 will be released on the Japanese 3DS eShop on June 5 for 500 yen.

Sniper Elite V2 footage

Posted 11 years ago by in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

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