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Our news team has been on a roll as of late, and now we’re ready to expand once more! We have one position open for the site’s “night shift”.

Those who are interested would need to be available on Wednesdays and Fridays at the following times:

– 1 AM PT – 4:30 AM PT
– 4 AM ET – 7:30 AM ET
– 9 AM in the UK – 12:30 PM in the UK
– 10 AM in Europe – 1:30 PM in Europe

If you’re available for 30 minutes on Saturdays/Sundays at around the starting times listed above, that’d also be a bonus, but not required!

If you’re interested, please send a short message here, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Please note that this is a non-paid position.

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German outlet Paper Mario: Color Splash held a live stream earlier today that gives us yet another look at gameplay in Paper Mario: Color Splash. We’ve posted the archived version below.

Update: Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of September 19:

September 19

– 2 Pikmin icon panels (1 day left)
– 2 Ashley icon panels
– 2 Pikmin panels
– 2 Mario icon panels
– 2 Zelda: Majora’s Mask panels
– 2 Animal Crossing panels
– 3 Splatoon panels
– 2 Monster Hunter panels
– 4 Mega Man panels
– 1 butterfly panel (1 day left)
– 8 Pokemon panels
– Pikmin theme offer until 9/22
– 1 free play

During a developer panel at EGX just a few moments ago, a new trailer was shown for Yooka-Laylee. It’s been revealed that Shovel Knight will be joining the game as a special guest character.

Here’s the video:

Playtonic and Team17, who is working with Playtonic on Yooka-Laylee, discussed the idea of featuring a guest character. Playtonic then turned to Yacht Club Games’ Shovel Knight after thinking about how it was a “much-loved game” with a team that “shares the same kinds of values we do as developers and has created something fantastic in the past”. It was also important to include a character that could appear on all platforms.

Shovel Knight’s way of speaking in Yooka-Laylee will be “authentic”. After receiving an explanation and practicing on a Skype call, Yacht Club went through the steps of how Playtonic creates the mumbling voices, and the result was added to the title directly.

Playtonic also indicated that there aren’t any other guest characters in Yooka-Laylee, but the studio is open to the idea.

All regions will have the New 3DS XL Solgaleo Lunala Black Edition in November. In Japan though, Nintendo is also bringing out a special system with a Pikachu design. We have the packaging image above.


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In Paper Mario: Color Splash, you’ll end up battling the various Koopalings, including Morton. GameXplain shows that boss fight in the video below.

Just when we thought all of the Super Mario Run interviews with Shigeru Miyamoto were done and over with, another one popped up on our radar. Pocket-lint was among several outlets that caught up with Miyamoto following the big news a few weeks ago. Topics in the interview included the importance of making Super Mario Run simple, how Nintendo is approaching mobile and its future there, and more.

As always, we encourage you to read up on the full article, which you can do right here. A roundup of notable comments can be found after the break.

At the Tokyo Game Show last week, Capcom made a special announcement about the Ace Attorney series, as The Great Ace Attorney is getting a sequel. You can now watch the first trailer for The Great Ace Attorney 2 below with English subtitles.

Thanks to YouTuber AbdallahSmash026, we have another half hour of footage from Yo-kai Watch 2. See the latest gameplay below.

When we originally reported on The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening, it seemed to be on track for August. That month came and went, and it looks like the book still isn’t out. So when will we see it? If Amazon’s listing is anything to go by, The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening finally releases on October 18.

The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening provides “an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the smash-hit 3DS game, from beautifully illustrated renditions of your favorite characters, to storyboards for in-game events, character designs, weapon designs, character profiles, and the entirety of the script with every possible branch of dialogue”. Amazon’s listing seems to include a couple of new preview pages, so we’ve included those below.

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