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Arc System Works

Update (8/31): Bumped to the top. The lineup of games are as follows:

– Renegeade
– Super Dodge Ball
– River City Ransom
– Nintendo World Cup
– Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundoukai
– Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zen’in Shuugou!
– Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu: Subette Koronde Dairantou
– Crash ‘n’ the Boys: Street Challenge
– Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
– Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League
– Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes

Original (8/30): Arc System Works is developing Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation for 3DS, according to Famitsu. 11 games from the Famicom era will be included.

Kunio-kun Nekketsu: Complete Famicom Compilation arrives this winter in Japan for 5,184 yen. Development is 70 percent complete.


Natsume has prepared a handful of new screenshots from River City: Tokyo Rumble. View the full set in the gallery below.


Bandai Namco has uploaded the second One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum trailer. Additionally, we have a new commercial for the game. View both below.

A new One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum scan has emerged, confirming new characters for Bandai Namco and Arc System Works’ fighter.

CP0 agents Rob Lucci and Spandam are both in the 3DS game. Rob Lucci, who has his his Zoan transformation, is being included on the roster. Spandam will act as an assist character who uses his sword to slash though his foes. Wanda, Nekomushi, and Inuarashi are also in as assist characters.

Check out the new One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum scan below showing all of these characters plus a look at the story mode.

Thanks to GameFly, we now have the boxart for River City: Tokyo Rumble. You can see what it looks like above.

Originally, River City: Tokyo Rumble was going to be digital-only. Natsume ended up opting for a “limited edition physical release” following fan feedback.


Update: Added new screenshots to the post.

Original: Natsume has sent out some new assets for River City: Tokyo Rumble detailing some of the game’s characters. Find art below, along with their descriptions.

KUNIO – Kunio seeks to take back Tokyo from the massive Lion Alliance gang. Kunio is a thug with a heart of gold who looks out for his pals and fights for justice.

RIKI – A misunderstanding with Kunio roped Riki into the fray. Riki fights for justice, but when he gets really mad, he snaps and goes berserk.

MISAKO – Misako frowns on delinquents, but makes an exception for Kunio.

SHINJI – Shinji went to school with Riki and is older, so he expects to be respected. He demands respect from his lowerclassmen, with fists if necessary!

MISUZU – Physically huge, Misuzu intimidates people and has a tough personality to match. Treat this delicate flower like a lady, or she’ll introduce you to her fists!

RANDY – Returning from River City Ransom, twins Randy and Andy make up the Double Dragons!

SABU – Gunning for revenge against Kunio, who previously humiliated the Sanwa Gang. Fans of Renegade should remember this bad guy!

TEX – Usually easygoing, until something gets him riled. Then he turns nasty! Watch out for his spin attack!

TIGER CLAW – The younger of the Double Tigers wrestling brothers!

Source: Natsume PR

Natsume sent out a few more screenshots from River City: Tokyo Rumble. We’ve rounded them up in the gallery below.


Natsume confirmed River City: Tokyo Rumble’s localization in April. Since then, the publisher has been sticking to a “Summer” release window – until recently.

Today, Natsume put out a tweet which reveals River City: Tokyo Rumble North American launch window of September. On top of that, retailers may give a clue about a specific date. Play-Asia flat-out claims that River City: Tokyo Rumble is scheduled for September 13. And interestingly enough, GameFly has the same date.

At the very least, River City: Tokyo Rumble is coming in September. September 13 could be the final date. Note that the game will be seeing a limited physical run in North America, but will be digital-only in Europe.

A demo for One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum is out now in Japan. For a look at it, check out the video below.

Bandai Namco issued the latest assets for One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum. We’re able to learn more about the game’s battle systems, one particular mode, and included characters.

First, today’s screenshots:

Bandai Namco has shared information about three systems in One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum. They are as follows:

1. Real-Time Switch & D Assist

Can switch between two characters anytime in the game. When using assist characters, the attacks will not only be flashy but also have special effects. Each character will have different assist moves.

2. Jet Slide

After a Jet Combo connects, you can juggle the enemy and follow up with 3 kinds of aerial moves.

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