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Amazon has posted the official boxart for Super Neptunia RPG. Get a look at the packaging image above.


Nintendo often does a bit more with its Switch boxarts than most. Whereas some games have absolutely nothing inside, the Big N tends to make things a bit more exciting.

The latest example of this is Super Mario Party, pictured above. We’re able to see a screenshot of the gang together along with a little ribbon in the corner.


Thanks to Amazon, we have a look at the boxart for Root Letter: Last Answer. Get a look at the packaging image above.

We also already have a look at the back of the box as well:

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection

Thanks to Amazon, we’re able to get a look at the boxart for SNK 40th Anniversary Collection. Get a look at it above.


Amazon has posted the boxart for SEGA Genesis Classics, which was announced earlier today for Switch. We have it above.

Speaking of Amazon, pre-orders are now open. You can reserve it on the retailer’s website here or at GameStop here.

Thanks to Amazon Japan, we now have the boxart for the Langrisser I & II remakes on Switch. Take a look at the packaging image above.


Amazon Japan has added in a listing for Luigi’s Mansion on 3DS, showing the packaging image for the country. We’ve included it above.

Here’s the North American version for comparison:

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

Square Enix is bringing Final Fantasy to Switch in a big way over the next several months. Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is out now, World of Final Fantasy Maxima is following in November, and we’re getting a ton of games next year – including Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.

Amazon has added in a listing for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which comes with the boxart shown above. It also confirms a price point of $49.99. The RPG is also coming to Xbox One and costs the same amount, so there won’t be a price hike for the Switch version fortunately.

You can pre-order Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on Amazon here.

Last week, it was announced that Mercenaries Saga Chronicles is due out physically on September 11. We have the official boxart above.

Work x Work boxart

Posted on 6 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Images, Switch | 0 comments

Work x Work boxart

Amazon Japan has updated its Work x Work listing with the game’s boxart. Take a look at the packaging image above.


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