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A preview image for this week’s Famitsu coverage of Ace Attorney 6 has revealed some exciting news: both Simon Blackquill, the rival prosecutor in Dual Destinies, and fan favorite Miles Edgeworth will make an appearance in the game. What exactly their role is remains to be seen – either way, Ace Attorney 6 seems to be full of characters from previous games.

Perhaps we will learn more about Edgeworth’s and Simon’s roles in the game next week – that is when Capcom will hold a special livestream where they will talk about the game itself, “collaboration projects” and more. Unlike many such streams from Japanese companies, this broadcast will also be streamed via both Youtube Live here and on Capcom’s Twitch channel, so international viewers should be able to watch this comfortably.

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Capcom has reported its financial results for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2016. Net sales increased by 19.8 percent year-over-year to 77,021 million yen ($711 million) while operating income also rose 13.7 percent to 12,029 million yen ($111 million).

Monster Hunter Generations was a large contributor to Capcom’s success. The company anticipated that the game would sell about 2.5 million copies, but it ended up moving three million units.

Capcom is targeting net sales of 85,000 million yen ($785 million) for the next fiscal year. There will be a focus on improving penetration of its brand outside of Japan, increasing digital game sales, and launching major games including Monster Hunter Stories and Ace Attorney 6.

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Monster Hunter X will be getting some Street Fighter felyne costumes, at least in Japan. The costumes, dressing felynes up as Chun-Li and Blanka, will be distributed through June 30th at 7-spots. A regular distribution is expected in the future, and it is unknown if the western release, Monster Hunter Generations, will get these costumes. These costumes are returning features from Monster Hunter 4G.


Capcom has come out with a new commercial for Ace Attorney 6, which is releasing in Japan on June 9. View it below.

Monster Hunter Stories was announced almost a year ago. Capcom now seems to be wrapping up its work on the game, as a release date could be coming very soon. Series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto said during a talk show event at Machi Asobi recently that he hopes to be able to announce news on this front by the month. He also said that it’s being made as a mainstream RPG.

Fans asked Tsujimoto about topics like Elder Dragons appearing, if we’ll be seeing new monsters in the game, and potential link features with Monster Hunter Generations. Unfortunately though, he wouldn’t divulge answers to any of these questions for now.


Capcom is just now starting its fourth live stream for Monster Hunter Generations. Head past the break for the Twitch embed.

On Friday, we heard about Limited Run Games exploring a potential physical release of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. But that’s not the only Nintendo game that the company wants to pursue.

Limited Run Games has gone on the record and has mentioned that Phoenix Wright is a series the company is interested in. Specifically, they’d be open to making a physical version of Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies happen.

Here’s what Limited Run Games said on the matter a couple of days ago:

It is a possibility, but like Atelier or other big games we’d be distributing rather than publishing. We’d have to pay a pretty high per unit cost to Capcom and buy 5k+. We haven’t made any progress on Dual Destinies, but it’s a personal want of mine.


Japanese gaming event NicoNico Choukaigi is currently running, and the stage show included a live demo of Ace Attorney 6 gameplay. You can watch archived footage of the demo below.

There was also a 15-second commercial for the game, although a better quality version should be airing later in the week.



SEGA was a strong proponent of the Wii Virtual Console back in the day. The company also has quite a number of titles up on the eShop. It sounds like SEGA wanted to work with other companies like Capcom and Bandai Namco on VC titles, but things sadly never came together.

SEGA told Yosuke Okunari in a recent interview:

“During the Wii Virtual Console days, we worked with other developers and were able to port games that were on Megadrive and other Sega systems. Those were all made on our side. However, negotiations with some publishers, like Capcom and Bandai-Namco, didn’t go through. We did consider negotiating again when the 3DS came along, but business-wise, nothing really came together.”


Capcom is still continuing its promotional efforts in Japan for Monster Hunter Generations. Below you’ll find another commercial for the title.

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