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Capcom hasn’t slowed down its promotion of The Great Ace Attorney. You’ll find another couple of videos for the game below.

Capcom uploaded another video for The Great Ace Attorney today to promote the game’s imminent Japanese launch. Check it out below.

More gameplay from The Great Ace Attorney has just been uploaded by Capcom. Check out some of it below!

Capcom just released some gameplay footage of their upcoming Monster Hunter spin-off game Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village. Check it out below (live gameplay starts at 8:23):

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s monthly DLC is back for the month of July, and it continues to be free! Capcom has just uploaded a video showcasing the contents of this month’s free DLC for you hunters!

On July 3rd, players will be receiving the G-Rank Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos quests, followed by USJ Star Knight gear on July 17th. You can check out everything you’ll be receiving this month in the video below:

Capcom has just uploaded a brand new video showcasing some more gameplay from the upcoming Great Ace Attorney. Check it out below!

The Great Ace Attorney is just about ready for its launch in Japan. But before that happens, Famitsu shares a few more details about the 3DS game in its latest issue, some of which comes from an interview with Shu Takumi and Shintaro Kojima.

Here’s the latest on The Great Ace Attorney:

– Tobias Gregson is a detective at Scotland Yard
– He’s noted for his love of fish and chips
– Tobias also appeared in the Sherlock Holmes novels Iris writes
– This is both a source of pride and vexation to him
– Takumi says Tobias serves as something of the game’s Gumshoe equivalent
– Holmes’ and Iris’ home shown in Famitsu, along with Holmes when he’s not dressed up to go investigating
– Episode 2 doesn’t have a trial section
– Writing the game’s script only wrapped up in April
– After writing Phoenix so long, writing Apollo had been difficult and that influenced how he wrote Ryuunosuke
– If possible, they’d love to do a sequel
– Estimated to be 30 hours

The Great Ace Attorney is due out in Japan on July 9.


A discussion with Shu Takumi was recently published as part of the “Capcom Legends” interview series. Takumi had much to say about his latest game, The Great Ace Attorney.

Takumi touched on a number of topics in the interview. This includes the project’s origins, how it started with Sherlock Holmes, pressure he faced, motion capture, and more.

We’ve posted a number of excerpts from the interview below. You can check out the complete translation here.

Capcom’s latest character video introduces us to Kazuma Asogi. You can find it attached below.

Famitsu has another feature on The Great Ace Attorney just ahead of the game’s Japanese launch. We’re introduced to Detective Tobias Gregson, a member of the Holmes canon.

Information about Tobias should leak out tomorrow. Famitsu also promises interviews with the game’s developers and play impressions from the first two episodes.


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