Choice Provisions on making Runner3 a Switch exclusive, Rebellion on bringing over Rogue Trooper Redux
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 5 Comments
It took awhile, but Choice Provisions finally confirmed Runner3 for Switch earlier this week. Making things even better is that the game is an exclusive for the system.
Speaking with MCV, producer Dant Rambo said that “Nintendo’s focus on accessibility and creating a platform for the hardcore and non-hardcore alike were the biggest factors for [Choice Provisions]” in creating the project only for the new console. Being able to play the game at home or on the go was another factor as well.
Rambo also said:
Choice Provisions on the CommanderVideo trophy in Smash Bros.
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
There were a few unexpected trophy inclusions in the new Smash Bros. One of these was CommanderVideo, the star of the Bit.Trip series.
CommanderVideo’s inclusion in Smash Bros. Wii U came about thanks to some persistence from Choice Provisions. The company reached out to Nintendo, and that’s pretty much all it took!
Associate producer Dant Rambo Nintendo Life:
We were the ones to approach Nintendo. We’ve always loved the idea of CommanderVideo showing up in a Smash Bros. game in some capacity, and thanks to our longstanding relationship with Nintendo, we were able to make it happen!
But yes, the “process” here was really just us emailing Nintendo a lot and being annoying.
Choice Provisions may bring Tharsis to Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Choice Provisions already has plans to bring the Dragon Fantasy games and Shutshimi to Wii U. The company’s support may not be stopping there, however.
In an interview with Nintendo Life, associate producer Dant Rambo mentioned that Choice Provisions has interest in releasing the PC strategy game Tharsis on the eShop.
Rambo said:
We’re currently hard at work on games called Tharsis and Laserlife. The former is a perma-death, turn-based strategy game about the first manned mission to Mars; the latter is a music game where players are tasked with restoring the memories of a dead astronaut. Both are significant departures from our previous work and we’re really excited about them!
In fact, we’ve been talking a lot about bringing Tharsis to the Wii U! Stay tuned for more info about that.
More: Choice Provisions, Dant Rambo, interview, Tharsis
[Developer Musings] Dealing with game feedback; Gaijin Games, Neko Entertainment, Goodbye Galaxy Games sound off
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Developer Musings, General Nintendo | 0 comments
We’ve brought in three more developers for the next entry in our new feature series, “Developer Musings”. This week, we have a few words from Gaijin Games, Neko Entertainment, and Goodbye Galaxy Games as they touch on how they deal with feedback from critics and players alike. Head past the break for their comments.
Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.