Dumpster Dive! heading to Wii U and 3DS
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Back in 2013, Temple of Yog developer CHUDCHUD Industries made Dumpster Dive! for mobile platforms. In the studio’s own words, the game “is an endless runner through garbage, a trash surfing, food-fetching simulator.”
Dumpster Dive! is now planned for both Wii U and 3DS. CHUDCHUD Industries’ Cody Diefenthaler shared the news in a brief Twitter message, which you can find below. You can also see the original trailer in the attached tweet.
I'm gonna port Dumpster Dive! to #WiiU and #N3DS. Any #Nindies punks out there?! https://t.co/gPUrGiHWry
— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) February 12, 2016
The Minotaur also planned for 3DS
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
When we reported on The Minotaur last month, Ratalaika Games confirmed the game for Wii U. However, that’s not the only Nintendo system the game is planned for. Ratalaika also plans on making a 3DS version.
The Minotaur launched on Steam in January. Wii U and Xbox One versions will follow in the coming months. As for 3DS, it will “still need a bit more time.”
Source: Ratalaika Games PR
More: indie, Ratalaika Games, The Minotaur
Video: Another look at Discovery’s upcoming update
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Noowanda has shared another video for Discovery’s upcoming update. You can give it a look below.
More: Discovery, indie, Noowanda, title update
Super Robo Mouse targeted for April 7 release
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
RCMADIAX has long been developing Super Robo Mouse, a new game for the Wii U eShop. If all goes as planned, the game will finally be available in April.
RCMADIAX said on Twitter today that Super Robo Mouse has been submitted to Nintendo in both North America and Europe. The indie developer anticipates an April 7 release date.
[UPDATE]#SuperRoboMouse has now been submitted to both NOA and NOE. Anticipated release date April 7th. pic.twitter.com/hpvX80CPN6
— RCMADIAX [+=••] (@rcmadiax) February 12, 2016
More: indie, RCMADIAX, Super Robo Mouse
New Shakedown Hawaii 3DS trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
We have a new trailer for Shakedown Hawaii that specifically shows the game on 3DS. Check it out below.
Cube Life: Island Survival version 1.2 out in March, details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Cypronia has confirmed that Cube Life: Island Survival version 1.2 will be available in all territories next month. As for what it entails, here’s the lowdown:
– Share Custom Maps (like Super Mario Maker)
– 400+ items are now available! New items like ladders, motorboats, diving masks, traps, etc.
– Completely redesigned AI. Canibals are now smarter.
– Stealth attacks! Approach an enemy from behind and gain the upper hand
– Bigger world to explore at 3,520 x 3,520 blocks (was previously 2,880 x 2,880)
– New pets: Added Chickens, Boars, Baby Boars, and Giant Crabs
– New Animals: Rabbits, Puffer Fish, Parrots, Lizards, Gorillas, Crabs, and Jellyfish
– Fight New Enemy Bosses: The Kraken, and Cannibal Boss
– Assign commands to pets now (defensive, offensive, or collect items)
– New Color Map with Radar (displays position of enemies, pets)
– New release territory – Available for download in Australia + New Zealand
Cube Life: Island Survival is doing very well in Japan, where it launched earlier this month. It’s currently ranked third in the recent best-sellers list on the Wii U eShpo.
ZeNfA Productions on how the Nindies Love You sale came to be, wants similar promotions in the future
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Several developers partnered together to host a “Nindies Love You” sale on the eShop today. 50 percent discounts are live for a number of Wii U and 3DS games in North America, Europe, and Australia.
The campaign started with an idea from Greg Wiggleton, the founder of ZeNfA Productions. In an interview with Nintendo Life, Wiggleton explained how it came about:
I truly had the idea for this group event sale around a year ago when the 1st and 2nd “epic indie sale” events were happening. I was curious if it was possible to host my own type of sale with other indies I’m in contact with and if Nintendo would advertise it on the eShop at all. It was around August 2015 that I finally started to get active in recruiting other Nintendo indies and contacting Nintendo directly about setting up one of these sales.
The very 1st step I took was taking charge of this idea and contacting Nintendo (already with a few select indies interested) back around August 2015. I was curious on how these group sales came into being. Nintendo would go on to tell me that these group indie sales were 100% created from indies and that Nintendo just helped set it up with the indies being in charge of it. From there I tried to gather a bunch of different indie Wii U games that would go well with this sale and show Nintendo that we were interested in doing our own sale. From here, I would go on to be Nintendo’s main contact for our group and talk to Nintendo on what is required, type of banners needed, and deadlines for different parts were. Every few weeks I would send updates to all involved as well as keep Nintendo involved with our developments to help keep them informed that we were serious about doing this sale.
The original goal was to have this 2 week sale period occur sometime around Christmas of 2015. A few of us involved early on thought this might be a good idea. After all, the Christmas period can be very nice for sales. However, a problem with this plan was that this period is usually very crowded. Nintendo themselves even warned us that a sale like this in December was a bad idea and recommended January or February for doing this sale. By October we finally decided to officially make it a February sale. Since this would take place around Valentine’s, we decided on that as a theme and came up with the “Nindies Love You” title for it.
As for another promotion like Nindies Love You, Wiggleton is very much interested in making that happen.
I would love to create new promotions like this in the future. I am hopeful that this event goes well for all involved so that we can all continue to make interesting and fun games for Nintendo systems for all to enjoy. Who knows, maybe one day you might see a similar promotion by me for the Nintendo NX for a new set of games!
More: Greg Wiggleton, indie, interview, sale, ZeNfA Productions
Inside My Radio hitting the Wii U eShop on February 25
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Inside My Radio originally launched last year. Later this month, the rhythm-action platformer will be debuting on Wii U. Inside My Radio will be available in both North America and Europe starting on February 25 for $14.99 / €14.99.
Here’s a brief overview:
“Inside My Radio is a rhythm-driven platformer adventure where your actions must follow the beat. You journey as a green LED mysteriously trapped inside a dying boombox: bring electro, dub and disco musics back alive! Are you up to the rhythmic challenge of Inside My Radio?”
And a trailer:
More: indie, Inside My Radio, Seaven Studio
Buddy & Me Dream Edition confirmed for Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Following last week’s tease, Sunbreak Games has confirmed Buddy & Me Dream for Wii U. The game is targeted for launch this spring.
Sky Tyrannosaur is helping out with development of the Wii U version, which has the final name “Buddy & Me Dream Edition”. It’ll come with new features plus the outfits, seasons, and boosts available in the Samsung Smart TV version.
Here’s a look at Buddy & Me:
Defense Dome update out in North America on Wednesday
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
HullBreach Studios is updating Defense Dome in North America later this week. On Wednesday, a patch will be going live to address a few issues.
Here’s the news from HullBreach’s Twitter page:
An update to #DefenseDome #WiiU will be in NA on the 10th. It fixes minor bugs with gyro calibration, audio cutting out, and hit detection.
— HULLBREACH STUDIOS (@HullBreachGames) February 8, 2016