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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

New3DS LL 44,994
PS4 18,740
Vita 13,214
Wii U 11,938
New3DS 7,671
PS3 2,540
3DS 1,585
3DS LL 874
Vita TV 527
Xbox One 186

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 21,028
PS4 – 17,656
Vita – 13,843
Wii U – 11,257
New 3DS – 5,753
PS3 – 2,956
3DS – 1,286
3DS LL – 807
Vita TV – 642
Xbox One – 211

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – 522,556 / NEW
2. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters – 107,945 / 1,117,850
3. [PSV] IA/VT Colorful – 38,881 / NEW
4. [WIU] Splatoon – 28,256 / 483,413
5. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus – 14,382 / 373,985
6. [PSV] Date A Live Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation – 13,107 / NEW
7. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi – 14,835 / 70,919
8. [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates – 11,018 / 388,794
9. [PSV] Ray Gigant – 8,673 / NEW
10. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 8,533 / 272,040
11. [PSV] Taiko No Tatsujin V Version – 7,464 / 74,423
12. [WIU] Yoshi’s Woolly World – 7,176 / 50,067
13. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 6,963 / 1,081,476
14. [3DS] Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear – 6,664 / NEW
15. [3DS] The Great Ace Attorney – 6,090 / 175,251
16. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 6,090 / 175,251
17. [3DS] Batman: Arkham Knight – 5,977 / 67,053
18. [PS4] Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi – 5,564 / 40,725
19. [PSV] Makai Shin Trillion – 5,221 / 23,726
20. [PSV] KLAP!! ~kind Love and Punish~ – 5,047 / NEW


Capcom continues its look at Monster Hunter X with two more weapon videos. Trailers for the Slash Axe and Charge Axe can be watched below.

Karaoke Joysound has headed to the 3DS eShop in Japan. To download the app, users need 376 blocks of free space on an SD card. We’ll bring you information about it as soon as we hear more.



A bunch of new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. There are also ones based on Splatoon, Peanuts, and more.

Here’s the full list of the latest themes:

CHiCO with HoneyWorks – 200 yen
Doraemon x Hello Kitty – 200 yen
Mayfly Project – 200 yen
Korokesu – 100 yen
Peanuts – 200 yen
Sekai No Owari – 200 yen
Splatoon – 200 yen
Stella Glow (x2) – 200 yen each
Tokaido Shinkansen N700 (x3) – 200 yen each

You’ll find videos for some of today’s themes below.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

Update: We also have a trailer for Brain Age. There was no mention about the game last week, but it’s out now in Japan!

Nintendo released official videos for Super Mario RPG and River City Ransom on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

Last week, Square Enix announced the latest installment in the Dragon Quest franchise. The fact that the game is being released for PS4 and 3DS simultaneously was already a big enough surprise, but no one expected that Dragon Quest XI (and Dragon Quest X) would be announced for Nintendo’s NX as well. In a press release issued after the announcement, however, the wording changed from a “planned” NX release to a “considered” NX release.

Kotaku reached out to Square Enix for clarification and got the following response:

“Our press release contained the official statement that had been originally planned, and there is no reason to believe any changes were made mid-way to the content of the official announcement. The comment made during the event was not based on the official statement, so please allow us to correct our statement at this moment. We regret any confusion this may have caused.”

Looks like we’ll likely have to wait until an official announcement from Nintendo before we hear anything new about the NX versions of Dragon Quest X and XI.


Capcom prepared another two weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. Trailers for the Lance and Gunlance can be seen below.

Square Enix issued the download card for Dragon Quest VIII in japan today, which is posted above. Additionally, we now know of the game’s file size. Dragon Quest VIII will take up 3.6 GB (roughly 28,800 blocks) of space on an SD card.

Dragon Quest VIII is coming to Japan on August 27. The digital version is available for pre-load on the Japanese eShop.

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