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Wii U eShop

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Ice Hockey (Famicom) and Final Fantasy II (Famicom) will be out on December 11. Pricing is set at 500 yen each.


AMZY has shared a few new details about Phosphorescent Lanze, which is hitting the Japanese 3DS eShop this week. A roundup of the latest information is posted below.

– Set in another post-apocalyptic world
– Countries as we know them no longer exist
– The collapse of humanity’s biggest hope, the World Union, saw to that end
– Security forces have been created and mobilized to try to regain that which was lost
– Play as Eins
– Eins is a cyborg soldier with the power to transform between jet and human form
– Can switch anytime between forms to suit the situation
– Seren is the operator if the Ains
– Seren is formerly a student of the sciences
– Ratail: main opposing mech-lady for the enemy country/security forces


Atlus has shared a bunch of new content for Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth. New screenshots are posted above, and details can be found below.


– Sudden sound of a mysterious bell is heard during the last day of the school festival at Yasogami High School
– After hearing the sound, the Persona-users are then sent to a parallel universe
– They find themselves in a school that looks exactly like Yasogami High
– School also has an eerie clock tower they’ve never seen before
– In the alternate world’s Yasogami High, they meet a young boy and girl who seem to have lost their memories
– Choose between the two protagonists of Persona 3 and Persona 4
– Story is different based on who you choose

Persona 3 story

– Story begins in the middle of a story autumn night if you choose Persona 3’s protagonist
– Due to their school festival being canceled, the members of SEES (Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad) gather at Tartarus
– It’s here that they hear a strange sound of a bell
– After entering the Velvet Room, a certain incident occurs
– Before they realize it, they find themselves in the midst of a school festival at Yasogami High School
– Shadows soon appear, similar to those they’ve previously fought in Tartarus
– While fighting the Shadows and looking for a way out, they suddenly find themselves face to face with a group of high school students who call themselves the Investigation Team

Persona 4 story

– Last day of the Yasogami High School festival
– Protagonist and the rest of the Investigation Team are enjoying the festivities
– They all seem to hear a distinct sound of an unfamiliar bell
– After looking outside the window, they see a clock tower that was never there before
– Due to the unforeseen event, the group searches its way around the school to spot any traces of Shadow activity
– While fighting the Shadows, the Investigation Team encounter another group of Persona-users, who seem to be from a different school
– Group is known as the “Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad”
– They decide to team up to find the exit of what appears to be a labyrinth.


– First-year student at Yasogami High School
– Seems to have had her memories stolen by a certain someone
– Usually seen eating things like corndogs and donuts, which she apparently pulls out of nowhere
– Known for being rather strange


– First-year student at Yasogami High School
– Also had his memories stolen by a certain someone
– Always around Rei
– Will do absolutely anything to protect her
– Whenever something happens to Rei, he loses his cool and is prone to recklessness



Capcom has made a lottttt of money from Monster Hunter 4 thus far. Wondering how the company intends to use those profits?

You probably won’t be too pleased to hear that Capcom plans to invest further in the mobile scene by opening a new studio in Osaka. 4 billion yen will be used – stemming from Monster Hunter 4’s sales – so that the subsidiary can be established.

Source, Via

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