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Earlier today, Nintendo hosted a Yo-kai Watch 2 preview event at Siren Studios. Mark Ballas of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars was in attendance, as were plenty of kids. View some photos along with their descriptions below.

Photo 1
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Mark Ballas of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars and star of Jersey Boys on Broadway this fall and ‘Dance It Out’ founder Billy Blanks Jr., and kids interact with costume character Jibanyan at the YO-KAI WATCH 2 preview event on Sept. 8, 2016. The YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits and YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls games launch on Sept. 30 for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

Photo 2
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Mark Ballas of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars and star of Jersey Boys on Broadway this fall attends the YO-KAI WATCH 2 preview event on Sept. 8, 2016 at Siren Studios. The YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits and YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls games launch on Sept. 30 for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

Photo 3
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Mark Ballas of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars and star of Jersey Boys on Broadway this fall teaches attendees the YO-KAI WATCH Dance with costume character Jibanyan at the YO-KAI WATCH 2 preview event on Sept. 8, 2016. The YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits and YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls games launch on Sept. 30 for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

Photo 4
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Luca C. and Logan C. from Anaheim, California play the latest YO-KAI WATCH 2 game for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems at Siren Studios in Hollywood, California, on Sept. 8, 2016. The YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits and YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls games launch on Sept. 30.

Source: Nintendo PR

Update: Added two more videos.

AbdallahSmash026 has a brief video showing off-screen Yo-kai Watch 2 footage from PAX West. Have another look at the RPG below.

Forbes was given the opportunity to speak with Akihiro Hino, CEO of Level-5. The two sides talked about topics like the company’s cross-media push, avoiding market saturation, and the brand new project Megaton Musashi.

Head past the break for some excerpts from the piece. You can read the full article here.

Update: A Style Savvy bundle is also on the way. Here’s the packaging for both:

Nintendo of Europe had some news for Yo-Kai Watch fans today: first of all, a Yo-Kai Watch 2DS bundle will be released on October 7th. The bundle contains a blue Nintendo 2DS pre-installed with Yo-Kai Watch.

Also, Nintendo confirmed that both versions of Yo-Kai Watch 2, Fleshy Souls and Bony Spirits will arrive in Europe in Spring 2017. As with the first game, other regions will get to play the game several months earlier, so European Yo-Kai Watch fans will once again need to be patient.

Source: Nintendo PR

Level-5 has prepared yet another new commercial for its big 3DS RPG Yo-kai Watch 3. We’ve posted it below.

Yo-kai Watch 2 is only a couple of months away from its overseas debut. North America will have both versions – Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls – on September 30. While you wait, visit the teaser site here.

There’s actually quite a lot there even though the full site isn’t up yet. It has a trailer, several screenshots, details about Yo-kai Watch 2, and information on bonuses depending on which version you buy.

Katrielle Layton is starring as the protagonist in Lady Layton. It’s a significant change for the series, as a female is taking the lead role.

As for why it was decided to have Katrielle featured in the new entry, Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino told Famitsu this week that roughly half of the franchise’s user base is female. Even though there might be a feeling that men do not connect with male characters with the same going for women and female characters, Hino still hopes to appeal to the latter demographic. With drama series, main female characters were able to become big hits after women responded well to them.

Hino also mentioned to Famitsu that Lady Layton has various chapters with their own stories. The overall structure can be compared to that of a television series.


Yo-kai Watch 3 may have launched in Japan a couple of weeks ago, but Level-5 has prepared a series of new commercials for the RPG. We have four new adverts below.

Megaton Musashi details

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 4 Comments

This week’s issue of Famitsu has a recap of Level-5 Vision 2016 as well as an interview with Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino. Among the games discussed was Megaton Musashi, which appears to be on track for Nintendo platforms.

Here’s what’s leaked out of Famitsu thus far, courtesy of Siliconera:

– Going all-out with robots
– Has a world setting that will resonate with the generation of older folks
– Yamato Ichidaiji is the protagonist
– Will see it in the perspective of characters other than Yamato
– Level-5 wants to focus on showing the cool factor of robots in Megaton Musashi, along with the “awesome action that takes place inside the cockpit” where you’ll see characters shouting out special attack names and pulling levers
– We’ve seen a toy resembling Musashi’s cockpit, but Hino hopes to have something that resembles something that connects to the game like what we saw in Steel Battalion on Xbox
– Level-5 still deciding on supporting hardware
– Level-5 is thinking about 3DS developments for now
– Given how Megaton Musashi’s production revolves around giant robots and anime, they’re considering high-spec consoles that will allow you to fully enjoy such contents
– Hino wants players to play on screens that are as large as possible if they can


Yo-kai Watch 2 will be available in Australia and New Zealand on October 15, Nintendo has announced. Today’s news follows a pair of classification ratings from the region.

Nintendo posted the following on Twitter a couple of minutes ago:

North America will have Yo-kai Watch 2 slightly earlier on September 30. There’s no news regarding a European release, but that will likely change in the months ahead.


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