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Level-5 have published an overview trailer for their upcoming Wii U game Yokai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version. Check it out below:

Nintendo has a video up on its YouTube page for Yo-kai Watch’s North American commercial. Watch it below.

Yo-kai Watch’s North American launch is just on the horizon. To celebrate the upcoming release, Nintendo has released a new 3DS puzzle based on the game. You should receive your first piece via SpotPass.


Prima has been publishing guides for a number of Nintendo games as of late, and that will be continuing with Yo-kai Watch. A listing on Amazon gives us an idea as to what we can expect from it:

Find hidden Yo-kai: With the power of the Yo-kai Watch, find and befriend more than 200 hidden Yo-kai and call upon their powers when you need their help.

Critical skills and strengths: Each Yo-kai has its own unique skills and strengths. Use strategy to assemble your team to address different problems and fight evil Yo-kai.

Upgrade strategies: Make your Yo-kai Watch more powerful and upgrade your Yo-kai while playing through the story.

Defeat evil: Assemble the best team of six Yo-kai in your watch to defeat evil and help people in need.

Free mobile-friendly eGuide! Includes a code to access the eGuide, a digital version of the complete strategy guide optimized for a second-screen experience.

The one strange thing here is that the Yo-kai Watch guide apparently won’t be available until December 7. That’s odd since the game itself launches about a month earlier!

Level-5 issued a commercial for the December update coming to Yo-kai Watch Busters. Check it out below.

Nintendo published a demo for Yo-kai Watch on the 3DS eShop a couple of days ago. View some footage from the download below.

Yo-kai Watch file size

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments

Youkai Watch

Now that Yo-kai Watch is available for pre-load, Nintendo has revealed the game’s file size. The download takes up 869MB of space. For those curious, that should be roughly 6,952 blocks.


Last week, Nintendo said on its Twitter account that a demo for Yo-kai Watch would be going live today in North America. They’ve now followed through on that, and the download should be up on the eShop.

Yo-kai Watch is also available for pre-load. 3DS owners can purchase and download most of the game today, and then obtain a small update at launch to unlock the full thing.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Nintendo just went live with a new trailer for Yo-kai Watch. You can view it below.

Nintendo has announced a new 2DS bundle featuring Yo-kai Watch. Along with the system, a pre-installed copy of the game will be included.

The Yo-kai Watch 2DS bundle launches in North America on November 6. Pricing is set at $99.99.

Source: Nintendo PR

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