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Metroid Samus losing abilities

One of the big staples of Metroid games is how at the start of the adventure, Samus typically loses most of her abilities. The setup tends to be different each time, but players still end up having to find their way through the environments and obtain upgrades. This was again present in the series’ most recent entry, Metroid Dread.

José Luis Márquez weighed in on this element in an interview with Gamereactor. He told the site that this is a must for the Metroid games.

Metroid Dread CG amiibo

In a post on Nintendo’s recruitment website, developer Uenaka Minoru shared insight into his work on Metroid Dread, including CG and amiibo. He’s been with the planning and production department since 2019.

Minoru’s post goes into working with MercurySteam and how the “finest details” needed to be considered since CG was used on Nintendo’s website, the boxart, and more. Working on E.M.M.I. was probably the biggest aspect of the project since it required “a sense of realism that required not just cooperation from the series development team, but also cooperation with other companies to get the fine details properly finished and as convincing as possible.” As for the amiibo, he wanted to create two poses so that it would look like Samus and the E.M.M.I. were squaring off.

Metroid Dread development

MercurySteam CEO Enric Álvarez has discussed working with Nintendo and the development of Metroid Dread. This comes as part of an interview with Gamereactor.

The Switch title marked the second collaboration between the two sides following Metroid: Samus Returns, a remake of the Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus. Álvarez said both companies “have an excellent understanding of each other”. He indicated that Nintendo is open to new ideas while MercurySteam was “hungry for leaving our own mark on the franchise.”

metroid dread best selling metroid ever

Metroid Dread is now the series’ best-selling entry of all time, according to the latest data from Nintendo.

As we saw earlier today, Metroid Dread is at 2.90 million copies sold. That means it has overtaken Metroid Prime, which sold 2.84 million units.

Metroid Dread update 2.1.0

A new update is here for Metroid Dread, as Nintendo and MercurySteam have just released version 2.1.0. Patch notes have been shared.

After installing the patch, players can access three different types of boss rush modes. There’s the standard Boss Rush, Survival Rush, and Dread Rush.

The full patch notes for the Metroid Dread version 2.1.0 update and new modes are as follows:

metroid dread uk sales update

There’s a bit of news to report regarding Metroid Dread’s sales performance in the UK. This is based on data provided by GfK.

The Switch title has already overtaken past entries in the series to become the best-selling 2D entry. Additionally, it’s the third biggest Metroid game overall – it’s only behind Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 3. Since digital sales aren’t included, it’s expected that Metroid Dread will soon be the top Metroid game in the UK as a whole if it isn’t already.

Metroid Dread update 2.0.0

Nintendo and MercurySteam just released the new 2.0.0 update for Metroid Dread. Along with new difficulty options, it comes with new details on the results screen and fixes.

Below are the full patch notes for the Metroid Dread version 2.0.0 update:

Nintendo and MercurySteam have announced a new Metroid Dread update, and it’s launching today.

Two new difficulty modes will be added. In Dread Mode, if you take one hit, Samus will be defeated. There’ll also be
increased recovery in Rookie Mode.

It was also announced that a Boss Rush update is coming in April.

Metroid Dread E.M.M.I.

In a lengthy interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu, series producer Yoshio Sakamoto shared a peak behind the curtain on Metroid Dread’s development including the E.M.M.I. mechanic as well as memories of his time working on the series.

Sakamoto has been involved with the franchise since its inception on the NES. In the interview, he touched on what it was like to work with MercurySteam to create the series’ first HD entry, went into the specifics of E.M.M.I.’s design, and much more.

Our full translation of the interview can be found below.

Metroid Dread difficulty

In a previous interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu, Metroid Dread producer and longtime series contributor Yoshio Sakamoto spoke about how the development team landed on the game’s difficulty.

Though it’s considered harsh by some players, Sakamoto explained that E.M.M.I.’s punishing nature and the way players gradually learn to avoid it over time was designed to mirror how Samus gets stronger as she collects power-ups throughout the game.

Below is our translation of Sakamoto’s comments regarding the difficulty in Metroid Dread:

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