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Famitsu has another bi-weekly update on Splatoon. In this week’s magazine, more details are shared on the game’s various weapons.

Famitsu notes that sub weapons use a lot of ink. The magazine goes on to say that special weapons can only be used after filling a gauge that increases the more ink you shoot, and weapons come in pre-set groups of three. Below are two examples:

Main Weapon: Splat Charger – charging weapon, good for long range attacks, can make ‘Ink Roads’ for you and your team mates to use.
Sub Weapon: Splash Bomb – standard bomb, explodes on impact
Special Weapon: Bomb Rush – Allows you to shoot as many bombs as you want for a set period.

Main Weapon: .52 Gal – Stronger than the Splat Charger, but uses more ink so can’tbe fired as much.
Sub Weapon: Splashield – Creates a curtain of ink. Good for narrow pathways to attack your opposition.
Special Weapon: Megaphone Laser – Shoots out a powerful ‘laser’ of ink. Good for turning around battles.

The next update on Splatoon will be in Famitsu’s April 2 issue.


Update: Another image:


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Today’s images from Splatoon brings us a some pretty serious looking weapons, great for shielding and deflecting oncoming attacks as well as attacking from above!


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TIME’s third Nintendo-centric piece today is entirely based on an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto further discussed Splatoon’s Mario origins, his reputation, other forms of entertainment, the platforms he found particularly fun working on, and plenty more.

As always, we’ve rounded up the quotes below. Head past the break for Miyamoto’s comments.

The latest image from Splatoon has us taking a look at a new weapon, which looks pretty powerful. Check out the video too!


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It would appear as if even Splatoon characters are excited for White Day as the latest Splatoon image brings us a White Day celebration card.


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There is a screenshot of what appears to be an email from Amazon Italy that states that there has been a delay to the release of Splatoon for Europe. The email goes on to say that the game has been delayed in Europe until July and would ship around July 2 – 7.

The email was posted on a European site that focuses on Nintendo related news and games. At this time there is no confirmation on whether or not this rumor has any credence but stay tuned as we will update as more information becomes available.

Source, Via

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