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Square Enix

NieR Automata Engels

Square Enix has shared the latest look at the Switch version of NieR: Automata, and has now highlighted the Engels boss fight. This is a goliath-class machine lifeform disguised as a building, and it emits steam throughout its body to stay cool. When attacking it has firey arms.

Further information about NieR: Automata can be found in the following overview:

Harvestella Shatolla, Heine and Emo, Mechanic and Woglinde jobs 5

Square Enix has provided more information about Harvestella today, covering aspects such as the summer location Shatolla, characters Heine and Emo, Mechanic and Woglinde jobs, and more. Alongside that, a new set of screenshots have been provided.

Here’s the full rundown:

Dragon Quest Treasures base, gang, and facilities

Another round of Dragon Quest Treasures details have emerged, and this time we have information about the game’s base, gang feature, and facilities – the latter specifically covering the Treasure Vault, Worker Dormitory, Personnel Department, Item Shop, Cafeteria, and Pellet Workshop. New screenshots have been shared as well. 

Here’s the full rundown, courtesy of Square Enix:

Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection trailer

Square Enix has readied a launch trailer for Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection. The package, which features Life is Strange Remastered and Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered, just made it to Switch.

Below is some additional information:

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line song list all tracks

The Theatrhythm series is back and is seeing its first appearance on Switch with Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, and we have the full song list thanks to the official Japanese website. Square Enix and indieszero are going all out here with nearly 400 tracks in the main game alone. Even more songs will be offered via DLC throughout 2023.

NieR: Automata Abandoned Factory

It’s time for another world overview trailer for the Switch version of NieR: Automata, with Square Enix now highlighting the Abandoned Factory. The large industrial structure is said to be “much more complex than its appearance and houses many dangerous mysteries in its twisted corridors.”

Below is some additional information about the game:

Dragon Quest Treasures game introduction

Square Enix is back with another trailer for Dragon Quest Treasures that serves as a general introduction. This follows the previous video released last week for the 2022 Tokyo Game Show.

Everything you need to know about Dragon Quest Treasures can be found in the following overview:

The Switch version of NieR: Automata was on display at the 2022 Tokyo Game Show today. Along with a brand new trailer, extensive gameplay was shown during a live stream. Both are now up online.

Here’s some information about NieR: Automata:

Infinity Strash Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai gp TGS

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai was shown off at the 2022 Tokyo Game Show just a short while ago, providing a first look at gameplay. Earlier in the week, Square Enix confirmed plans to bring the game to Switch.

Players can go through Story Mode which lets them relive the original story from the anime / manga. Then in Temple of Memories, the game will have its own set encounters not found in the original story. The enemies and gimmicks change here each time you play.

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line DLC

Square Enix has confirmed more franchises that will be represented in the DLC tracks for Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, including The World Ends with You, Chrono, Mana, and Xenogears.

The rhythm action game was announced for Switch this week and we immediately heard about DLC plans. Square Enix will release a Digital Deluxe Edition as well as a Premium Digital Deluxe Edition. The DLC tracks should also be available individually.

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