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title update

Shin’en is currently preparing a new update for Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai. Items addressed include:

  • The main character is now faster and more agile
  • Backlash on enemy contact has been reduced
  • ‘Black screen’ issue on Game Over screen fixed
  • ‘Mirror World’ missing Secret fixed

Jett Rocket II’s patch has already been submitted, so we should be seeing it out soon.


A second patch for Pokemon X/Y is now available. Players can bring their game to version 1.2 with the newest update.

As for what the patch entails, the patch notes mention the following:

– Fixes an occasional bug causing Pokémon not to learn new moves after evolving through Wonder Trade.
– Fixes an occasional bug where certain captions for Trainer PR Videos were not unlocked in Lumiose City.
– Updates an Internet communication issue.
– Includes previous update (Ver. 1.1)

Nintendo released Pokemon X/Y’s first patch in October. That one corrected a game-breaking save bug found within Lumiose City.


YouTube 3DS update out now

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 8 Comments

A new update for the 3DS YouTube app is now available. In order to grab the patch, you’ll need to visit the “Your Downloads” section of the eShop. You won’t be prompted for the update upon entering the eShop, so that’s the only way to go about it.

Thanks to Cameron for the tip.

SEGA has prepared a new update for Sonic Lost World on Wii U. The full patch notes can be found below.

Gameplay Updates:

• Collecting 100 rings will now grant the player an extra life.
• In the event of a Game Over, we have doubled the amount of lives the player will begin with when continuing. (From 5  to 10)
• The Indigo Asteroid, Crimson Eagle, Orange Rocket, and Black Bomb Color Powers can now be controlled using the analog stick and buttons.
• Fixed a rare graphical issue that would sometimes appear during the pinball section of the Frozen Factory casino area.

Additional Updates:

• When completing the NiGHTMARE DLC, users will be notified that they can re-play it after scoring 100,000 points.
• Items will now appear on the world map.


Treyarch has prepared a new title update for Call of Duty: Ghosts – it’s out now on Wii U.

The patch adds a GamePad Scoreboard panel and allows individual players to be muted by tapping the speaker icon next to their name on the GamePad Scoreboard. Several fixes have been implemented as well.

For the full patch notes, head past the break.

A patch will be released for Sonic Lost World next month, SEGA has confirmed.

The update will be available around December 11. It’ll address a glitch found in Frozen Factory 3 (see above), among other issues.

After one player inquired about the casino stage’s glitch, SEGA Japan responded with the following:

YouTube has received an update on Wii U, as was promised during the most-recent Nintendo Direct. For one thing, the app is much smoother than the previous version. You can also watch videos on the GamePad or search for content while a video is playing.

Thanks to Jake and Tim for the tip.

A new Call of Duty: Ghosts title update is now available. It doesn’t introduce anything too major, but improves a few aspects of the game.

Here’s an official overview of the update:

All Platforms

    • Improved operations functionality.
    • UI Bug Fixes
    • Fixed issue with splitscreen players rank.
    • Fixed a rare crash with specific private match settings.

Source, Via

Wii Fit U has been updated. The patch addresses issues relating to data transfer from Wii Fit/Wii Fit Plus, and also corrects problems in which data recorded by the Fit Meter is not properly reflected when transferred to the game itself.


The next Wii U update for Call of Duty: Ghosts could be coming as soon as this week. A message posted by a Treyarch on Miiverse says it’s currently “being tested at Nintendo.”

It reads:

Next update is being tested at Nintendo. Hope to take it live this week (fingers crossed).

The same Treyarch employee stated on Twitter that the upcoming update will improve Ghosts’ performance:

Source 1, Source 2

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